THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 107 ORDINARY MEETING (709th MEETING). SATURDAY, 26TH NOVEMBER, 1932. The Second Meeting of the Winter Session was held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, with Mr. R. Paulson, F.L.S.,Vice-Presi- dent, in the chair. 53 members and visitors were present. The following new members were elected, viz.:— Miss Nelly H. Benn, of 68, South Esk Road, Forest Gate, E.7. Miss M. E. Smith, of 216, Hainault Road, Leytonstone, E.11. Mr. W. A. Higginson, of 3, Osborne Road, Buckhurst Hill. Mr. Avery exhibited fourteen sheets of illustrations from various news- prints, relating to Essex. Mr. Scourfield exhibited living specimens of the Copepod Diaptomus gracilis ♂ and ♀, and called attention to the asymmetry in the male alone of the antennae and the 5th pair of appendages. Mrs. Hatley showed an advance-copy of a booklet-biography of Mary Aldersey, missionary, who resided at "Sheepcotes," Chigwell Row, early in the 19th century. Mr. Dennis exhibited, and presented to the Club's collection, twenty- seven photographs taken by himself of buildings in the neighbourhood of Halstead. The Curator showed eighteen sheets of photographs of Essex buildings and architectural details of Essex churches, from the Museum Pictorial Survey. Mr. J. H. Owen then gave a lecture entitled "Notes on some Common Essex Birds," which he illustrated by a large number of his lantern-photo- graphs of the birds and young on the nest. A discussion followed, in which Miss Lister, Messrs. Glegg, Barns, Avery, Scourfield, Mothersole and Thompson joined. On the proposition of Mr. Glegg, seconded by Mr. Barns, a hearty vote of thanks was given to the lecturer, and the pro- ceedings terminated. ORDINARY MEETING (710th MEETING). SATURDAY, 28TH JANUARY, 1933. The third meeting of the Winter Session was held as usual in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Strat- ford, at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, with Mr. D. J. Scourfield, I.S.O., F.L.S., Vice-President, in the Chair. Thirty-five members and visitors attended. Mr. Avery exhibited a series of topographical views of Walthamstow, acquired by him from the collection of the late Mr. J. Bird. Thanks were accorded to the exhibitor. The Chairman called upon Mrs. A. R. Hatley, B.Sc., F.R.G.S., who read a paper on "Some Aspects of the Archaeology of the "Walthamstow District," which she illustrated by a number of lantern views, maps, photographs and coloured drawings, mostly prepared by herself. At the conclusion of the paper, a discussion ensued, in which Mr.