108 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. George E. Roebuck (visitor), Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, Mr. Barns and the Hon. Secretary took part. Cordial thanks were passed to Mrs. Hatley for her paper and the meeting adjourned for tea at 4.45 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (711th MEETING). SATURDAY, 4TH MARCH, 1933. This meeting was held as usual in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above date, Miss G. Lister, F.L.S., Vice-President, being in the chair. 46 members and visitors attended. Miss M. L. Holloway, M.A., of 7, Barclay Oval, Woodford Green, was elected a member. In anticipation of the Annual Meeting to be held a month later, nomina- tions were made as under. Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., was nominated by the Council as President for 1933-34, in succession to Sir David Prain. The Council also nominated the existing Officers for re-election to their respective offices, and Mr. C. Hall Crouch as 1st Auditor of the Club's Accounts. The Council also nominated Mr. G. J. Buscall Fox, of 45, Stanwick Mansions, West Kensington, as an additional Honorary Member of the Club, in recognition of his generous gifts to the Club's Museum. Miss Prince, Mr. Hogg and Mr. Wood being due to retire from the Council in rotation at the Annual Meeting, nominations were invited to fill the vacancies. Miss Edith Prince was proposed for re-election to the Council by Mr. Thompson; Mrs. Whitwell seconded. Mr. A. F. Hogg was proposed for re-election by Mr. Avery, seconded by Mr. Crouch. Mr. J. M. Wood was proposed for re-election by Mrs. Hatley, Mr. Daun seconding. No further nominations were made. Mr. Scourfield exhibited under a microscope, galls on filaments of the alga Vaucheria containing the rotiferon Proales werneckii and its eggs: the specimens came from a streamlet in Epping Forest. Mr. Dennis exhibited, and presented to the Museum, 29 photographs of houses in the Colne Engaine neighbourhood, taken by himself: he also showed lantern-slides on the screen of some of these views. Mr. Mothersole exhibited an old-time microscope, with ivory slides, probably dating back to the late 18th century, which he had recently pur- chased at Ipswich. Mr. Avery exhibited a number of engraved portraits of Dr. Fothergill, Lord Lister, Sir Morell Mackenzie, Dr. Harvey, Dr. John Hunter, Dr. J. M. Good (of Epping) and Dr. Dorislaus (of Wanstead) and views illu- strative of the paper which was to be read that afternoon; the Curator showed further items in illustration, including Lord Lister's collection of plants gathered about the year 1844, many of them from the neighbour- hood of Stratford. There were also exhibited the original Illuminated Address which was presented to Lord Lister with the Freedom of the