110 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. The garden attached to the building, though of no considerable extent, and surrounded by a huge population, is, we were informed, frequented by not a few birds. Goldfinches have nested in the apple-tree and other birds observed include greenfinch, chaffinch, yellowhammer, great tit, blue tit, robin, blackbird, thrush, starling, wood pigeon, dove, linnet (only occasionally), and, of course, house sparrow. The large globe-sundial, which came here from Woodford Hall, was examined curiously and elicited the naive remark from a youthful member of the party that the sun was "nearly right!" The visitors next made their way to the parish church, dedicated to St. Mary, where the vicar, Canon Oakley, welcomed the party and ex- hibited the church plate, and Mr. Roebuck favoured us with a most in- teresting sketch of the origin and history of the fabric and its monuments. The seven curious niches in the flank wall of the westernmost of the Monoux Almshouses adjoining the churchyard, whose purpose is only conjectural, were also inspected. Tea was taken in a private room at Hall's Cafe in Hoe Street, after which Mr. Scourfield expressed the thanks of the party to our two con- ductors and to others who had contributed to our entertainment. The majority of the party then proceeded to the Central Public Library in the High Street, where the Assistant-Librarian (in Mr. Roebuck's ab- sence, he having had to attend another engagement) kindly gave facilities for inspection of the Armorial Panels presented to the town a few years since by Miss Demain Saunders: some interesting old parchments of 16th century date, adorned with the Great Seal of Elizabeth, were also inspected. The visitors dispersed at about 7 o'clock, well pleased with their visit. ANNUAL MEETING (713th MEETING) AND 714th ORDINARY MEETING. SATURDAY, 1ST APRIL, 1933. These meetings were held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Munici- pal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the president, Sir David Prain, C.M.G., C.I.E., F.R.S., in the chair. 43 members were present. Mr. Glegg expressed the pleasure of the members at the President's presence in the chair again after his long absence due to serious illness. Mr. Avery exhibited a series of nearly thirty prints of Upton and West Ham from his collection: he also showed a specimen of the Bromeliaceous plant, Bilbergia nutans, with its multicoloured flowers. The Curator exhibited 44 photographic views of Essex buildings taken by Mr. A. W. Dennis and presented by him to the Club's Pictorial Survey collection. He also showed a series of views of Layer Marney from that collection. The business of the Annual Meeting was then taken. The minutes of the last annual meeting were duly confirmed. The Report of the Council for the past year was read by the Honorary Secretary. Mr. Salmon moved that the Report be received and adopted, Mr. Austin seconded. Carried nem. con.