THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB, 111 The Hon. Treasurer presented his detailed accounts for 1932, and moved formally that they be adopted.: Mr. Price seconded. Carried unanimously. Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., having been nominated at the meeting on March 4th and no other nomination having been received, was declared duly elected President of the Club for 1933-34. The declaration was received with acclamation and the new President thanked the mem- bers for the honour done him. Miss E. Prince, Mr. A, F. Hogg and Mr. J. M. Wood having been nominated on March 4th and no further nominations having been made, were declared by the chairman to be duly elected Members of the Council. The existing Officers of the Club, viz.:— Hon. Treasurer: Mr. John Avery, F.C.A., F.S.S., Hon. Librarian: Mr. Stephen J. Barns, Hon. Secretary: Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S., Hon. Editor: Mr. Percy Thompson, F.L.S., Hon. Asst. Curator at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge: Mr. Joseph Ross, having been nominated for re-election on March 4th and no counter nomina- tions having been made, were declared duly re-elected to their several offices for the year 1933-34, on the motion of Mr. Daun, seconded by Mr. Hogg. Mr. C. H. Crouch was declared to be elected as first auditor, he having been duly nominated on March 4th, and no other nomination having been made. As second auditor, Mr. Barns proposed Mr. Ross; Mr. Price seconded. Carried nem. con. Mr. G. J. Buscall Fox, of 45, Stanwick Mansions, West Kensington, W. 14, was unanimously elected a Honorary Member of the Club in recog- nition of his generous donations to the Stratford Museum. Sir David Prain now vacated the chair in favour of Mr. William E. Glegg. The newly-elected President called upon the retiring President, who read his farewell Presidential Address, entitled "Biology and Human Society." At its conclusion, the President expressed his appreciation of the Address and asked his predecessor in the chair to allow it to be pub- lished in the Club's Journal. On the President's motion, with which various members associated themselves, the thanks of the Club were voted to Sir David Prain for his services during his term of office. Sir David made a suitable reply. The Hon. Secretary drew attention to the interesting circumstance that every surviving Past-President of the Club, with one exception, was present that afternoon, viz., Mr. Dymond, Miss Lister, Mr. Paulson, Sir A. Smith Woodward, Mr. Scourfield, and, of course, Sir David Prain. In conclusion, Mr. Dymond moved that the thanks of the meeting be passed to the Officers; the President supported the motion, which was carried nem. diss. Mr. Avery responded. The meeting closed at 5 o'clock. Peronea Fissurana, Pierce and Metcalfe, in Essex.—Mr. H. C. Huggins (in Entomologist for February, 1933) records the occurrence of this species of moth near Westcliff-on-Sea on New Year's Day, 1933, an unusually mild day for the season. Editor.