SEED DISPERSAL IN MARSH SAMPHIRE OR GLASS-WORT. 135 The larvae have been plentiful this year in Coggeshall and Kelvedon, where my friend Mr. A. R. Thompson and his wife found two dozen by searching the potato fields, and a further two or three dozen are known to have been taken there. Over a dozen were also found in some small allotments at High Garrett, Bocking. These larvae were found between the middle and end of August when they were full-fed. The capture of the moth is a much rarer occurrence, but one of our members, Mr. F. E. Butcher, of High Roding, kindly brought me a perfect specimen which he captured at High Roding on September 27th. It is, therefore, probably correct to say that the Death's- Head Hawk has been present in hundreds in Essex this year, at any rate in the larval state. SEED DISPERSAL IN MARSH SAMPHIRE OR GLASS-WORT. By G. LISTER, F.L.S. IN September the seeds of the Marsh-Samphire (Salicornia herbacea L.) appear to be mature; the bright green embryo with its radicle folded against the cotyledons is clearly seen through the membranous testa, but there is no sign of how the seeds are to become free from the cavities in the fleshy axis in which they lie. Towards the end of last November, a boxful of red autumnal plants was sent me from saltings near Lymington, on account of the brilliant colour they had assumed. But some of the plants had lost all their plump sausage-like appearance and were so dry and shrivelled as to bear little resemblance to their former state; under a lens it was seen that in most cases the flat-topped perianth, together with the membranous wall of the ovary (the utricle), had contracted from the stalk and dropped off, leaving the erect grey oval seed loosely attached to its hollow in the axis. As the plants dried, the paper on which they lay became strewn, partly with free seeds, partly with seeds attached above to the perianth and utricle; the margin of the flat perianth had, on drying, contracted and turned up, forming a narrow circular wing, which may help in seed-dispersal on a breezy day. The testa of the seed is provided with slender