152 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. instructions given in his will, it was removed to its present position at the rebuilding, when the posts and chains were added; a brass plate in. the floor marks the presumed original site of the monument. The second, under the arch between this chapel and the chancel, commemorates Henry, the first Lord Marney, who died in 1523. In his will he gave minute and exact instructions for the making and placing of his tomb, directing that "myn executours cause to be made a Tumbe "of marbull to be sett in the wall betwixt the Chauncell and the said "Chappel which wall I will it be newe and to be vawted over with marbull "and workmanly wrought with such works as shall be thought convenient "by my executors, and my image to be made of black marbull or Towch, "with everything convenient and appertaining to the same, and to be "leyd and sett upon the said Tomb. And I will that two images of laton "be made with the pictours of my two wives with their Cote Armors "upon them; that is to say Thomasyn, and she to be on my right side, "and Elizabeth she to be on my lefte side upon the same Tombe." These instructions, definite though they were, were in part disregarded by his son John, who, apparently, entrusted the design and construction of this monument to the Italian artists engaged upon the house for we find that where marble had been specified terra cotta has been used, only the slab and the effigy which lies upon it being of black marble or touch. The desire to have the brasses of his two wives, one on either side, was also ignored. The third monument is to John, the second and last, Lord Marney, also in the North Chapel, and he too provided for the erection of his tomb in his will and even as he had disregarded his father's wishes so his executors failed to give effect to his desires. His will directs "that a Tombe be sett "and made of such stone as my father is made of, if it may be gotten, or "ells of grave marbull, the whiche Tombe I wol shall be. eight foote long "and fyve foot brode and four foote high and to be wrought in every "condicion as my Father's Tombe is, except the vawte over and above "my Father's said Tombe, and the arms aboute the Tombe I will to be "changed after the device of the herald, and round about my said Tombe "I will there be made a grate of waynscott and at every corner of the "same grate a principall pyllar with a white lybard (leopard) upon the "top thereof, and upon which Tombe I will have an image for myself of the "same stone as my said Tomb, like unto my said father's Tomb shall be "made, if it may be gotten, or else of freestone, my said image lying upon "the midds thereof portrayed with my cote armour, with my helme and "crest at the head and a white leopard at the feet and on either side of "my said Image I will myn executors lay one Image of brass for every "of my two wyves Dame Chrystian and Dame Brygett. The imagy of "my wife Dame Brygett is to be laid on my right hande and the other of "my lefte hande and both the said Images to be pyktured with their "cote armour; and at the west end of the said Tombe I will there be made "an Awter where I woll have a priest synging for me perpetually." Again we note the employment of terra cotta where marble was desired, the effigy alone being of black marble or touch, which evidently was able to "be gotten." The instruction as to the brasses of his wives was never carried out.