178 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. TAB. VIT. Agaricus glutinosus Schaeff. t. 26. f. 1,2,3,4. [Gomphidius.] A. limacinus Dicks. fasc. 1. t. 15. velatus With vol. 3. 290. Gathered in a fir wood near Bungay, Suffolk, in company with Mr. Woodward, to whose accuracy the botany of England is so much indebted. I have also found it in Essex. The gluten which envelops this plant is of a very singular nature, being extended from the edge of the pileus to the stipes, and passing the gills without touching them. As it recedes or dissolves it leaves a portion of a cobweb substance, accompanied by a fine powder. If this powder be the seed, may the gluten contain anything analogous to pollen? TAB. XVIII. Peziza stercoraria Bulliard t. 376 & t. 438. [Ascobolus furfuraceus.] Found on cows' dung near Stapleford Abbot, Essex. This and the P. punctata seem to connect the genus of Peziza with that of Sphaeria. TAB. XXXIV. Boletus piperatus. Bulliard. t. 451. We believe this Boletus has appeared only in Bulliard's admirable work. It grows in tolerable plenty on Hainault Forest, towards Chigwell Row, Essex, though not hitherto mentioned as a native of this island, but we have reason to think it is not uncommon. The pores are very open and irregular, and sometimes so shallow as to be mere reticulations, as in some foreign Boleti. Its colour varies a little. The name expresses its pungent effect on the tongue and throat, like that of the Capsicum. TAB. XL. Clavaria cornea. Relh. Suppl. 3. 34. [Calocera.] C. aculeiformis. Bull. t. 463. f. 4. I Have been favoured with specimens of this species by the Rev. Mr. Relhan himself, with his own name to them, and also by Thomas Walford, Esq. of Birdbrook, Essex, under that given by Bulliard. The gentleman last mentioned found them upon timber that had been squared, situated longitudinally with the grain of the wood, never across it. I have observed the same at Hampstead, and in Kensington Gardens. (To be continued.)