THE BIRDS OF THE LEA VALLEY RESERVOIRS. 199 eight. In addition, an adult male, possessing strong powers of flight, remained nearly two years, being first seen on March 8th, 1924, and last on February 13th, 1926. The Goldeneye, Bucephala clangula clangula (L.). An irregular but probably annual winter visitor in small numbers. It has been recorded in the years 1924, 1926, 1929, 1930, 1931, 1932, 1933 and 1934, and in all months from December to May inclusive. Extreme dates are December 13th, 1930, and May 18th, 1932. Six is the most observed on any one occasion. The Long-Tailed Duck, Clangula hyemalis (L.). This duck, rare on inland waters, has been recorded on one occasion. Messrs. J. P. Hardiman and A. Holte Macpherson saw one on December 9th, 1932. This is apparently the first inland record for Essex. The Common Scoter, Oidemia nigra nigra (L.). A male and female were identified by the present writer on No. 4 Reservoir on March 3rd, 1929, during a spell of very cold weather. This was the second inland record for the County. Mr. A. Holte Macpherson saw a male and a female on the Lockwood Reservoir on April 25 th, 1933. The Velvet-Scoter, Oidemia fusca fusca (L.). A rare bird inland, it has been recorded twice. The present writer identified a female on February 16th and two females on March 3rd, 1929. This was the first inland occurrence for Essex. Mr. W. A. Wright and others identified a young drake on February 20th and subsequently to April 9th, 1932. The Goosander, Mergus merganser merganser L. It is an irregular winter visitor in small numbers. It has been identified in all years from 1924 to 1934 inclusive, with the exception of 1928, and in the months of December to April inclusive. Extreme dates are December 5th, 1925, and April nth, 1931. The largest party recorded is one adult male and thirteen brown-headed birds on February 16th, 1929. The Smew, Mergus albellus L. It is a winter resident in small numbers. Prior to 1922 this bird had not been recorded from the Reservoirs, but on March 18th of that year one brown-headed bird appeared.