THE BIRDS OF THE LEA VALLEY RESERVOIRS. 205 The Sandwich Tern, Sterna sandvicensis sandvicensis Lath. It has been identified on three occasions only, as follows: one, August 29th, 1931; one, August 27th and September 25th, 1932. Mr. W. A. Wright was the observer on each occasion. The Common Tern, Sterna hirundo hirundo L. It has been occasionally recorded during the spring and autumn migrations, as follows: one, May 2nd, 1908; one, September 24th, 1921; about a dozen, March 9th, 1924, the earliest date for the County; one, October 11th, 1924; two, May 12th, 1928; one, August 8th-22nd, 1931; in 1932 a small flock on September 25th, one on October 9th, and one on December 9th; one, found dead, February 11th, 1933; it is probable that the bird seen on December 9th, 1932, and the one found dead on February nth, 1933, were one and the same; three, September 13th and 14th; one September 18th, and two, September 24th, 1933. The Arctic Tern, Sterna macrura Naumann. It has been recorded on one occasion only. Fifteen, adults and immature, were identified by Messrs. R. W. Pethen and W. A. Wright on August 22nd, 1931. The Little Tern, Sterna albifrons albifrons Pall. It has been recorded in one year only. Mr. K. R. Ashby saw one at the King George Reservoir on September 12th, 17th and 23rd, 1933. The bird of September 23rd was seen also by the present writer. The Black-headed Gull, Larus ridibundus ridibundus L. It frequents the Reservoirs throughout the year. During the nesting season it is seen in very limited numbers, but otherwise it may be seen in flocks containing hundreds. It is easily the most numerous gull. The huge roosting parties of gulls, which in recent years have appeared at the King George Reservoir during winter, are mainly composed of this species. One of these gatherings, seen by the present writer, certainly contained six thousand birds, but the flocks, which come in at sunset and depart in the morning, are said at times to be very much larger. One, ringed near Kiel, Schleswig-Holstein, on July 6th, 1929, was recovered at the Reservoirs on February 15th, 1931.