THE BIRDS OF THE LEA VALLEY RESERVOIRS. 207 more numerous during winter, when the numbers run into some hundreds annually. The winter birds commence to come in during the last week in July and the numbers steadily increase. It has become numerous by October, but the numbers continue to be augmented by further arrivals well into the winter. Emigration is noticeable from about, the end of February, but may not be completed until the end of April. The nomenclature and arrangement are those of A Practical Handbook of British Birds. In the preparation of this paper I have been assisted by Mr. K. R. Ashby, Mrs. M. D. Brindley, Messrs. H. F. Cronin (Deputy Chief Engineer, Metropolitan Water Board), A. Holte Macpherson, R. C. Homes, R. W. Pethen, Dr. C. B. Ticehurst and Mr. W. A. Wright. I take this opportunity to return thanks to them. The photograph of the Reservoirs is reproduced by permission of the Graphic Photo Union. REFERENCES. 1900. Birds of North-east London. H. Chipperfield. Nature Notes, vol. xi., pp. 70-4. 1907. Birds and their Nests and Eggs, etc. Dr. G. H. Vos. 8vo., London. First and second series. 1909. Great Crested Grebe at Walthamstow Reservoirs. M. Christy. Essex Naturalist, vol. xvi., p. 105. 1912. Nesting of the Great Crested Grebe. G. H. Vos. The Field, vol. cxx., p. 307. 1912. Great Crested Grebe breeding near London. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. vi., p. 124. 1913. Tufted Duck breeding in Essex. British Birds, vol. vii., W. E. Glegg, pp. 56 and 124, M. Christy p. 91. 1914-33 The London Naturalist. Ornithological Reports. 1919. Notes on the Fauna of the New River and Reservoirs in the Lea Valley. J. M. Wood. Essex Naturalist, vol. xix., p. 69. 1922. Cormorants inland in Essex. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xv., p. 213. 1922. Smew in Essex. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xvi., p. 26. 1922. A New Essex Heronry. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xvi., p. 51.