208 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. 1922. Bird Notes for 1921 from Walthamstow Reservoirs. W. E. Glegg. Essex Naturalist, vol. xx., p. 47. 1922. Red-throated Diver from Walthamstow Reservoirs. Editor. Essex Naturalist, vol. xx., p. 86. 1923. Ringed Plover at Walthamstow. W. E. Glegg. Essex Naturalist, vol. xx., p. 205, 1923. Scattered Notes from the Walthamstow Reservoirs. J. S. Jeffree. Essex Naturalist, vol. xx., p. 218. 1924. The Birds of Walthamstow Reservoirs. R. W. Pethen. Trans. London Nat. Hist. Society, p. 22. 1924. Red-crested Pochard and Wild Fowl on Essex Reservoirs. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xvii., p. 310. 1924. The Heronries at Wanstead and Walthamstow. Editor. Essex Naturalist, vol. xxi., p. 41. 1925. Smew near London. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xviii., p. 268. 1925. Common Terns in March. A. Hibbert-Ware. Essex Naturalist, vol. xxi., p. T32. 1926. Some less usual Bird Records from the Lea Valley Reservoirs in 1925. W. E. Glegg. Essex Naturalist, vol. xxi., p. 242. 1927. London Reservoirs and their influence on Bird Life. A. Holte Macpherson. The London Naturalist, pp. 5-11. 1928. The Thames as a Bird-Migration Route. W. E. Glegg. The London. Naturalist, pp. 3-15. 1929. Common and Velvet-Scoters and other Ducks inland in Essex. W. E. Glegg. British Birds, vol. xxii., p. 375. 1929. Report on the "British Birds" Census of Heronries, 1928. E. M. Nicholson. British Birds, vol. xxii., p. 282. 1929. Birds of Walthamstow Reservoirs. R. W. Pethen The London Naturalist, p. 69. 1929. A History of the Birds of Essex. W. E. Glegg. 8vo., London, 1930. Various Notes on the Birds of Essex. W. E. Glegg. Essex Naturalist, vol. xxiii., pp. 18-28. 1931. Black-throated Diver in Essex. F. R. Finch. British Birds, vol. xxiv., p. 296.