SOME ESSEX SPIDERS. 209 1931. Birds at Reservoirs in the London District during the winter, 1930-31. A. Holte Macpherson. British Birds, vol. xxiv., pp. 354-6. 1931. Birds marked abroad and recovered in the British Isles. British Birds, vol. xxiv., p. 357. 1932. Velvet-Scoter Inland in Essex. W. A. Wright. British Birds, vol. xxv., p. 363. 1932. The Great Crested Grebe Enquiry. T. H. Harrisson and P. A. D. Hollom. British Birds, vol. xxvi., pp. 73 and 125. 1932. The Great Crested Grebe in the London Area. P. A. D. Hollom. The London Naturalist, pp. 51-6. 1933. Long-tailed Duck and Common Tern in Essex. J. P. Hardiman and A. Holte Macpherson. British Birds, vol. xxvi., p. 258. 1933. Waders in the Lea Valley. K. R. Ashby. British Birds, vol. xxvii., p. 137. 1934. Notes from Reservoirs and Sewage Farms. K. R. Ashby. British Birds, vol. xxvii., pp. 300-1. SOME ESSEX SPIDERS. By J. E. HULL, M.A., D.Sc. THE list here given is the summing up of captures and observations made in the late spring of 1929 and 1931, working from Colchester as a centre. For convenience of reference I have numbered the various localities as follows:— 1. High Wood, near Colchester. 2. Great Horkesley. 3. Mersea (3a, a thicket at West Mersea; 3b, tidal grass near the east end of the Strood). 4. Tiptree Heath. 5. Fordham. 6. Walton- on-Naze. 7. Colchester. The most productive of these by far were Nos. 1 and 3, and the latter the more interesting of the two because the East Anglian tidal regions have hardly been touched as yet. I found the tidal drift very rich in species, and I am sure it would well repay investigation by some one whose physical powers are not so soon exhausted as mine. Perhaps the most noteworthy species I met with was Oxyptila simplex, of which I took in a short while a number exceeding the sum total of all that had been taken