210 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. previously in Britain. It also turned up at the roots of grass on the Undercliff at Walton. The thicket at West Mersea was remarkable for the abundance of certain Epeirids, viz., Epeira marmorea pyramidata, E. ocellata and Tetragnatha nigrita. None of these had I ever seen in such numbers before, and most examples of the second were of a colour variety which was entirely new to me. The ground colour of the dorsum is a uniform russet brown with the "folium" outlined with a narrow black line. As this form seems to deserve a name I call it var. brunnea. Tiptree Heath, having been recently fired, presented a dismal spectacle at first sight, but in a corner which had escaped the flames my companion, Mr. A. F. Hall, made the best capture of all—Episinus maculipes, a species hitherto unknown in Britain. The complete list of species is as follows:— Bathyphantes dorsalis Wid. General. Bathyphantes gracilis Bl. 3a. Lepthyphantes nebulosus Sund. 7. Leptyphantes minutus Bl. 7. Leptyphantes zimmermannii Bertk. General (L. blackwallii— Camb. 1900). Leptyphantes pusillus Bl. 3b. (L. tenuis—Camb. 1900.) Leptyphantes obscurus Bl. 5. Linyphia montana Cl. 7. Linyphia triangularis Cl. General. Linyphia peltata Wid. General. Linyphia furtiva Cb. 2, 5. (Also at Stoke, Suffolk.) Linyphia clathrata Sund. 1, 2, 4. Stemonyphantes lineatus L. 3b. Mengia scopigera Grube (Tmeticus warburtonii—Camb. 1900.) 3b. Poeciloneta variegata Bl. 1, 3b. (Bathyphantes var.—Camb. 1900.) OEdothorax agrestis Bl. 3b. OEdothorax gibbosus Bl. 3b. Gongylidium rufipes Sund. 3a. Micryphantes graminicola Sund. 3a. (Gongylidium gram.— Camb. 1900.) Erigone atra Bl. General.