224 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. appears to be A. glutinosus of Bulliard, though his gills are colour- less; a name applicable to many of the fungi, (and would do for this were it not previously engaged,) as it is sometimes altogether a gluten, or jelly. The pileus has generally a thick glutinous skin of a cinnamon colour: the gills are somewhat pinky; they appear to be decurrent in the young state, but when advanced they separate, so as to appear naturally loose or separate from the stipes, which is somewhat hollow and pithy. The whole plant when fresh is often so tender, I have not been able to gather it whole; in bruising it becomes blackish. As the plant dries, the skin corrugates, and often becomes very prettily reticulated; (may not this be A. reticulatus of Dr. Withering, ed. 3. 289 ?). The taste is watery, with a peppermint-like coolness in the mouth, and a lasting roughness in the throat. TAB. CXLVI. Lycoperdon acariforme. [Conidial form of Hypoxylon Coccineum.] Also a new species, found at Walthamstow by Mr. B. M. Forster. The little radiate roots are composed of similar fibres to the preceding [Lycoperdon radiatum], spreading in a much smaller proportion, somewhat knee'd, and divided into irregular lobes bearing some resemblance to claws, giving it altogether the appearance of an animal. The ball is scarcely tomentose, nor can we be positive that it is a Lycoperdon. TAB. CXLVII. Peziza hispida. Rel. Sup. 1051. --------- lanuginosa. Bull. 204. --------- albida. Schaeff. t. 15. [Lachnea hemisphaerica.] The Rev. Charles Abbot favored me with the larger speci- mens of this plant from Whitewood, Bedfordshire. Bulliard has some figures much larger, spreading and recurved, in a cam- panulate form, nearly half an inch beyond the hispid part. The small figures were from Essex, gathered by Thomas Walford, Esq. and differ in size only. TAB. CLIV. Helvella fuliginosa. Schaeff. 320. With. ed. 3. 341. [H. elastica.] Very plentiful, in October 1797, in the fir plantations of Thomas Walford, Esq. of Birdbrook, Essex, by whose favour