228 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. who favoured me with these specimens. They were found at Raleigh, in Essex. TAB. CCCXCIV. (Fig. 6.) Sphaeria Taxi. [Sphaeropsis.] Found on dead leaves of the yew (Taxus baccata) in Hainault Forest. It is generally under the cortex of the foliage, blackening it in little scattered spots, somewhat conical at the top, flatfish at the base, with one, two, or three little sphaerulae. TAB. CCCCXIX. Boletus solidus. [B. edulis.] Stipes solid, round, thickest at the base, white, partly reticulated with fine thready veining towards the upper part, and becoming finer and browner, with impressions of the pores at the top, whitish inside. Pores rounding from the stipes, or what is called loose, very deep, or thick and massive, rather angulated. Pileus thick, roundly imbossed, tapering at the edge, which is rather involute, somewhat largely undulating, light brown at the top, white within, sometimes changing to light brown the day after gathering, changes red when cut. Gathered in Hainault Forest, Essex, August 25, 1810. TAB. CCCCXXI. Boletus fusco-albus. [B. scaber.] Stipes thickest at the base, with a few fibres; often clumsy, sometimes tapering, with dark brown ruggedly reticulated flecked sides; white or brownish beneath; inside white, some- times changing to brown, or even black on exposure by cutting in the air, especially if in a tender state or bruised. Pores in a thick mass, rounding from the stipes, nearly white; single pores fine, often scarcely discernible. Pileus rounding, rather thick, light or dark brown. The larger specimen was gathered by Miss Rackett in Dorsetshire, and the smaller ones I gathered in Hainault Forest, where I saw larger ones, but not good specimens. Sowerby's original drawings are in the Department of Botany, having been presented by the Rev. M. J. Berkeley in 1869. Many of them have pencil notes regarding localities. The following are Essex specimens figured by Sowerby addi-