THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 233 The second was a note in A. Tillock's The Philosophical Magazine (1802) entitled "Remarks on the Clathrus cancellatus "(Linn.) and two other species of Fungus." In it he places Phallus, and Miltinus (Cyanophallus) in the genus Clathrus. "The very near resemblance which the Clathrus cancellatus "bears in several respects to the Phallus impudicus and Phallus "caninus, appears sufficiently strong to justify the arrangement "of them all under one genus, although not so considered by "Linnaeus. . . . I am not aware that any other Fungus "will arrange with the above three species, although some "have been placed under the genus Phallus, by Linnaeus and "other botanists, which have very little agreement with "P. impudicus and P. caninus of those authors." The generic diagnosis reads : Volva coriacea. Corpus cavus, cellulosus, pertusus, Semina in glutine immersa.9 It will be seen that he realises clearly the Gasteromycete characters of these species, gathering them together away from many Myxomycetes which were placed in Clathrus, and Ascomycetes which were placed in Phallus. The third publication was "An Introduction to the Know- ledge of Fungusses," a small book of twenty pages with two coloured plates of fourteen figures, "most of which are from "Sowerby's English Fungi." Among the fungi figured and described are the following from Essex :— Agaricus procerus (Curtis). Tall Mushroom. In the woody part of Epping Forest, Walthamstow, Essex. Hydnum auriscalpium (Hudson). Fir Hydnum. By Snaresbrook Pond, Wanstead, Essex. Nidularia laevis (Relhan). Smooth Nidularia : at Wal- thamstow, Essex. (To be continued.) THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (722ND MEETING). SATURDAY, 28TH OCTOBER, 1933. This, the first meeting of the Winter Session, was held as usual at 3 o'clock m the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Rom- ford Road, Stratford, with the President in the. Chair. The attendance was unusually small, only thirty-one persons being present. Presentation to Mr. Stephen J. Barns. The President referred 9 C. pileatus = Phallus impudicus, C. capitatus=Mutinus caninus.