THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 239 Dofort and Mr. Thorrington were due to retire from the Council, in rotation, at the approaching Annual Meeting ; accordingly, nominations were invited to fill the vacancies thus caused. Mrs. Hatley was nominated for re-election by Mr. Warren, seconded by Mr. Scourfield. Miss Dofort was nominated for re-election by Miss G. Lister, seconded by Miss Prince. Mr. Thorrington was nominated for re-election by Mr. Price, seconded by Mr. Main. Further nominations were invited, but none made. The Hon, Secretary announced that the Council nominated the Presi- dent and other existing Officers for re-election to their respective offices. The announcement that Mr. Glegg was willing to serve a further term as President was received with applause. Mr. Scourfield exhibited various maps and explanatory leaflets con- cerning the work of the Land Utilization Survey of Britain, and invited the co-operation of interested members in the survey of those portions of Essex which were not yet mapped. The Hon. Secretary exhibited, on behalf of Mrs. J. E. Scourfield, sixteen water-colour sketches of various parts of Epping Forest executed by her. He also showed a number of photographs of Colchester from the Museum Pictorial Survey collection. Mr. Thompson also exhibited the original inscribed Silver Trowel which was presented to the late Mr. Passmore Edwards when he laid the foundation stone of the Stratford Museum on October 6th. 1898; this Trowel had unexpectedly been offered for purchase to the Museum recently through trade channels and was gladly acquired. Thanks were passed to the exhibitors. The President then called upon Major Anthony Buxton, D.S.O., who gave a lecture on "Birds at Close Range," which he illustrated by an extensive series of lantern-photographs taken by himself near Geneva and in Norfolk. At the conclusion of a fascinating lecture, the President instanced some of his own experiences in watching birds from a hide, and several members asked questions which the lecturer answered. Mr. Austin proposed a vote of thanks to Major Buxton for his most interesting lecture and Mr. Barns seconded ; the vote was passed by acclamation. Major Buxton having thanked the meeting for its kind reception of his talk, the proceedings terminated at 5.5 o'clock. THE ANNUAL MEETING (727TH MEETING) AND THE 728TH ORDINARY MEETING. SATURDAY, 24TH MARCH, 1934. These meetings were held in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Munici- pal College, Romford Road, Stratford, on the above afternoon, the Presi- dent, Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., being in the chair. Over go members and visitors attended. Miss E. G. Bengough, of 50, Windsor Road, Forest Gate, E.7, and the Dagenham Public Libraries (Mr. John O'Leary, principal librarian) were elected members of the Club.