240 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Mr. Main exhibited a newly-hatched larva of Dytiscus which he had actually seen emerge from the egg. Mr. Ward showed skins of Blackheaded, Common and Herring Gulls, to illustrate variations in the plumage. The President exhibited the leg of a Blackheaded Gull from Staines, Middlesex, which bore a ring put on in Germany. The Curator showed 18 water-colour sketches by Mrs. Scourfield, all of Epping Forest subjects ; and also a series of maps and photographs of the Walthamstow Reservoirs and their immediate neighbourhood, from the Pictorial Survey collection. The business of the Annual Meeting was then taken. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting having been read and confirmed, The Report of the Council on the work of the Club during the preceding year was read by the Hon. Secretary ; on the motion of Mr. Austin, seconded by Mr. Price, the report was unanimously adopted. In the absence of a Treasurer, Mr. Crouch, as auditor, presented and explained the Accounts for 1933 and formally moved their adoption ; Mr. Barns seconded. Carried nem. con. The Hon. Secretary announced, amidst applause, that, in the absence of any opposing nomination, Mr. William E. Glegg stood re-elected as President for a second year of office. The President announced that Mrs. Hatley, Miss Dofort and Mr. Thorrington, having been duly nominated at the meeting held on February 24th, and no counter-nominations having been made, stood re-elected as Members of Council. The President moved from the Chair the following Resolution :— "That Mr. Laurence S. Harley be appointed Honorary Treasurer to "the Club." The motion was carried unanimously, and Mr. Harley expressed thanks for the honour conferred upon him. The existing Officers of the Club having been duly nominated at the meeting on February 24th, and no further nominations having been received, were declared by the President to be re-elected to their respective offices, viz. :— As Hon. Librarian, Mr. Stephen J. Barns. As Hon. Secretary As Hon. Editor Mr. Percy Thompson. As Hon. Curator at Queen Elizabeth's Lodge, Mr. Joseph Ross. As Auditor representing the Council, Mr. Charles Hall Crouch. On the motion of Mr. Price, with Mr. Salmon seconding, Mr. J. Ross was unanimously elected as 2nd Auditor of the Accounts. The President then delivered his Presidential Address, entitled "The "Birds of the. Lea Valley Reservoirs," which he illustrated by a large num- ber of lantern-photographs. At the conclusion of a most interesting address, the Hon. Secretary expressed the thanks of the meeting to the President, and asked that the address should be allowed to be printed in the Club's journal. The President thanked the members for their reception of his address, and at a few minutes before 5 o'clock declared the meeting at an end.