252 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Knot-grass (P. Aviculare L.). On waste ground. Black Bindweed (P. Convolvulus L.). Frequent. Broad-leaved Dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.). Common on waste ground. Fiddle Dock (R. pulcher L.). Found once between allotments ; this is the only specimen I have seen in this neighbourhood. Common Dock (R. crispus L.). On waste ground, frequent. Sharp Dock (R. conglomeratus Murray). On waste ground. Fat Hen (Chenopodium album L.). Very common. Many-seeded Goose-foot (C. polyspermum L.). Frequent in bor- ders. Orach (Atriplex patula L.). Common. Sun-Spurge (Euphorbia Helioscopia L.). A ; frequent. Petty Spurge (E. Peplus L.). Very common. Small Nettle (Urtica urens L.). Common. Stinging Nettle (U. dioica L.). On waste ground. Bristle Grass (Setaria glauca Beauv.). A; casual. Italian Bristle Grass (S. italica Beauv.). A; casual; the seed is sold for bird food. Panic Grass (Panicum Crus-Galli L.). A; casual. Finger Grass (P. sanguinale L.). Uncommon. Timothy Grass (Phleum pratense L.). On grass verges and waste ground. Meadow Fox-tail (Alopecurus pratensis L.). Between allotments. Field Fox-tail (A. agrestis L.). A. Phalaris paradoxa L. An uncommon casual, from the South of Europe ; in the summer of 1932 it occurred in some abun- dance on one allotment, and I have not seen it before or since. It is remarkable for having flower spikes produced in the axils of all the upper leaves, which have inflated sheaths. Bent Grass (Agrostis vulgaris With.). Abundant between allot- ments. Silky Bent Grass (A. Spica-venti L.). A ; casual. Wild Oat (Avena fatua L.). On waste ground. Cultivated Oat (A. sativa L.). Casual, from cultivation. Cocksfoot Grass (Dactylis glomerata L.). Common between allotments. Barren Brome (Bromus sterilis L.). On waste ground. Annual Meadow Grass (Poa annua L.). Common. Smooth Meadow Grass (P. pratensis L.). Common.