264 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. 1768. The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. P. Morant. Vol. i., pp. 78, 208; vol. ii, p. 469. 1851. Heronries. "J. G." Morris's Naturalist, vol. i., p. 163. 1869. The Heron. J. E. Harting. Science Gossip, pp. 85-7. 1872. Existing Heronries in Great Britain. J. E. Harting. The Field, vol. xxxix, p. 146. Zoologist, pp. 3261-72. 1885. A History of British Birds. W.Yarrell. 8vo. London, 4th ed., vol. iv., p. 165. 1886. Heronries in Essex. C. Smoothy. The Field, vol. lxvii, p. 806. 1887. Essex Heronries. E. A. Fitch. The Essex Naturalist, vol. i., p. 142. 1887. Durrant's Handbook for Essex. Miller Christy. Chelmsford and London, pp. 13 and 108. 1888. Essex Heronries. E. A. Fitch. The Essex Naturalist, vol. ii., pp. 171-86. 1890. Heronry formerly at Bradwell-juxta-Mare. E. A. Fitch. Op. cit., vol. iv., p. 78. 1890. Dickens's Dictionary of the Thames, p. 163. 1890. The Heron's Haunt. Editor. The Essex Naturalist, vol. iv., p. 154. 1890. The Birds of Essex. Miller Christy. 8vo. London. 1893. Herons and Rooks. The Field, vol. lxxxi, J. Bateman, p. 748, Verderer, p. 751. 1893. The Brightlingsea Heronry. Editor. The Essex Naturalist, vol. vii., p. 124. 1896. Probable Solitary Heron's Nest near Ingrave. E. W. Heatley. Op. cit., vol. ix., p. 224. 1897. Another Essex Heronry. E. A. Fitch. Op. cit., vol. x., p. 234. 1898. The Heronry in Wanstead Park. E. N. Buxton. Op. cit., vol. x., p. 292. 1903. The Victoria History of the County of Essex. 4to. London. Miller Christy. Aves, pp. 232-253. 1903. Birds of the Essex Marshes and Uplands near them. Rev. A. B. Hutton. Essex Review, vol. xii., p. 151. 1919. Notes on the Fauna of the New River and Reservoirs in the Lea Valley. J. M. Wood. The Essex Naturalist, vol. xix., p. 69.