SOME NEW FUNGI FROM EPPING FOREST. 265 1922. A New Essex Heronry. W. E. Glegg. British Birds. vol. xvi., p. 51. 1923. Epping Forest. E. N. Buxton. 8vo. London, p. 79. 1923. Scattered Bird Notes from the Walthamstow Reservoirs. J. S. Jeffree. The Essex Naturalist, vol. xx., p. 218. 1923. Bird Pellets and their Evidence as to the Food of Birds. P. Thompson. Op. cit., vol. xx., p. 136. 1924. The Heronries at Wanstead and at Walthamstow. Editor. Op. cit., vol. xxi., p. 41. 1929-31. Report on the "British Birds" Census of Heronries, 1928. E. M. Nicholson. British Birds, vol. xxii., pp. 270, 334 ; vol. xxiii., p. 324 ; vol. xxv., p. 159. 1929. A History of the Birds of Essex. W. E. Glegg. 8vo London. 1933. An Addition to the Essex Heronries. W. E. Glegg., British Birds, vol. xxvii., p. 29. 1934. An unrecorded Essex Heronry. J. W. Campbell. Op. cit., vol. xxviii., p. 52. E. M. Nicholson, p. 88, W. E. Glegg, p. 120. 1934. The Birds of the Lea Valley Reservoirs. W. E. Glegg. The Essex Naturalist, vol. xxiv., p. 179. SOME NEW FUNGI FROM EPPING FOREST. A Report on the Fungus Foray of October, 1934. By ARTHUR A. PEARSON, F.L.S. THE fungi on the 13th October were not very plentiful, but as usual some interesting species turned up, many of which have not previously been recorded for Epping Forest, although they are mostly fairly common. Mr. Ramsbottom reported Collybia longipes which is not often seen. There was a good gathering of Russidae, some of the specimens, notably Rus- sula vesca, being very untypical. The variety of Russula cyanoxantha with the coloured stem was again on the table, and also Russula pseudo-integra which, though common earlier in the year, has not yet been recorded for Britain. Another new record for this country is Inocybe decipien- toides. Under Carleton Rea's classification we should place it in the genus Astrosporina, as it has nodulose spores.