268 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. This species is not uncommon and is chiefly characterised by the pentagonal spores and bulbous cystidia. These are some- times mixed with cystidia of more normal shape. THE HISTORY OF MYCOLOGY IN ESSEX. By J. RAMSBOTTOM, O.B.E., M.A., Sec. L.S., Keeper of Botany, British Museum (Natural History). Continued from p. 233. The book is rare, and I have thought it well to reprint the general remarks because of their surprisingly modern outlook. "Notwithstanding very considerable advances have of late "years been made in the science of Botany, there is one Tribe "of vegetables, which, comparatively speaking, has been but "little attended to. The whole of the Class Cryptogamia in "the Linnaean system, is in a manner overlooked by some people "who appear to take great interest in what are (absurdly) "called the more perfect plants ; but the last Order, Fungi, in "this Class, is, it might almost be said, despised by them. "From whence the neglect shown to the tribe of Fungusses, "or Mushrooms, arises, it may not be easy to determine ; but "one cause probably is, the apparent, and, in some cases, the ''real difficulty, of ascertaining what are species and what "only varieties. Another cause may be, that they are said to "be nasty ugly things. But surely no true lover of natural ''productions would discard them on that account: moreover, "the contrary, in several instances, is manifest; many being "very elegant and beautiful objects. The celebrated Linnaeus, "struck with the singularity of their appearance, has been "heard to make mention of them, (in joke,) as having fallen "from the Moon. The great difficulty of gaining the same "knowledge of them, as of many other plants, arises, in some "measure, no doubt, from the small number of parts in their "structure, which are to be seen without the assistance of "magnifying glasses. "The purpose of this little Tract is, generally, to bring "into notice the whole Tribe of Fungusses ; the more minute "ones, as well as the larger kinds ; but particularly, to rccom- "mend to young people and others, whether Botanists or not,