THE HISTORY OF MYCOLOGY IN ESSEX. 277 On Elder trees in Woodstreet, on a tree near Chapel End. Agaricus virgineus [Hygrophorus]. On grass plots in our garden and on the Forest. *Agaricus applicatus [Pleurotus]. On dead sticks and on the Forest ; on a stick in the hedge of the Forest near Hagger Lane (Walthamstow). Agaricus mutabilis [Pholiota]. On a Walnut tree stump near our Garden. Agaricus deliciosus ? [Lactarius]. On a Mount at the end of Mr. Grosvenor's vista. *Agaricus filipes Bulliard, pilosus Batsch, tenuis Bolton and With. [Marasmius undatus]. In dead sticks in damp hedge etc., (on the Forest very common). Agaricus tintinabulum Batsch [Psathyrella disseminata]. In Apple and Willow trees ; on trees. Agaricus Rotula Scop. collariatus W. [Marasmius]. On dead sticks etc. Agaricus dentatus. Psittacinus W. [Hygrophorus psittacinus]. In gardens on the Forest etc. Agaricus ciliaris Bolton, semi-ovatus W. [Anellaria separata]. On Dunghills. Agaricus aurantius [Hygrophorus conicus]. In fields etc. Agaricus elephantinus Bolton [Russula nigricans]. In the woody parts of the forest. *Agaricus terreus [Tricholoma]. By the roadside near Lea bridge. *Agaricus amethystinus [Laccaria laccata var. amethystina]. In our garden, in the Buckenhill walk and in a fir thicket near Forest house. Boletus quercinus [Daedalea]. Agaricus quercinus Hud. On trunks of trees in woods. On old posts ? Boletus lacrymans Dicks. Byssus septica Lin. [Merulius lacrymans]. Dry rot Boletus. On wood in our Cellar. Boletus albus [Daedalea saligna].