280 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Peziza punctata [Poronia]. On cowdung on the Forest Assembly row. Peziza cornucopioides [Craterellus]. In a wood not far from Chingford Hatch by the way to Fair Mead bottom. Peziza coccinea Hud. [Peziza aurantia]. In the woody parts of the Forest. (In Archer's piece, Woodford.) *Peziza nivea [Helotium cyathoideum]. On dead sticks. (In damp hedges very common ; in garden, Hoe Street). Peziza scutellata [Lachnea]. On cow dung very common. Peziza cochleata [Otidea]. On dunghills. Peziza echinata Dickson M.S. [?] On pear trees in our garden. On the stump of a beech on the Forest between Fair Mead bottom and the Kings Oak. *Peziza striata [Cyathus striatus]. On a border in our Garden ; in a wood near Abury hatch. Peziza cinerea Batsch [Mollisia]. On rotten wood about us very common. Peziza fulva [Humaria granulata]. On the ground in Shernal Street. On cowdung common. Peziza cuticulosa [Cyphella]. On dead grass on a bank in Green leaves lane and the same in the Lea bridge road near Low Leyton. *Peziza bicolor Bull. 4l0f3. [Dasyscypha]. On dead sticks in Woods etc. (very common). Peziza lanuginosa Bulliard [Lachnea hemispherica]. Peziza hispida. Among moss and leaves in a ditch between Hale brinks and the Forest. (In an old gravel pit on the Forest near the gate of Hale brinks 1784.) Peziza cyathoides Lin. Aff. Light. [Helotium cyathoideum]. On dead sticks in the lane from Woodstreet to Marsh- street. Peziza fructigena Bull. [Helotium]. On acorns in woods. Clavaria vermiculata [C. vermicularis].