282 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. In the woody part of the forest between Salter's buildings and Hagger Lane. *Lycoperdon pedunculatum [Tulostoma mammosum]. On walls ; on a wall in Claystreet near Hoe Street (near Whipps Cross). Lycoperdon aggregatum Hud. Sphaeria nigrum Light. [Lepto- spora spermoides]. On a crab tree in the Forest ; on rotten wood. Lycoperdon recolligens [Geaster mammosus]. On the grass walk in our garden. *Sphaeria maxima [Hypoxylon multiforme]. On Hornbeams in the Forest. *Sphaeria tuberculosa Light. [Hypoxylon fuscum]. Lycoperdon nigrum Hud. L. variolosa Lin. On branches of trees (on a Hornbeam between our field and the lane ; on dead sticks in wood ; in a wood near Hale End). *Sphaeria fragiformis [Nectria cinnabarina]. On dead sticks. (On dead pea sticks in our garden ; on sticks near the garden yard). *Sphaeria fragiformis [Hypoxylon coccineum]. On dead wood in a wood near Chingford Hatch. *Sphaeria depressa [Diatrypella verruciformis]. On dead branches of trees. *Sphaeria Brassicae [Sclerotium Semen]. On dead stalks of Phytolacca (decandra) in the garden. *Sphaeria pedunculata [Xylaria]. In Mark house Common field (Walthamstow in stubble). *Sphaeria mammosa [Rosellinia aquila v. byssiseda]. On old dead pea sticks in our field and garden (near the pump). Sphaeria fraxinea [Daldinia concentrica]. On a Hornbeam in the Forest near Hagger Lane. *Sphaeria spiculosa Batsch [Mamiania fimbriata]. ,, carpini Hoffman, from Wildm. specm. On Hornbeam leaves on the forest beyd Loughton. Sphaeria Mori [Nectria coccinea]. On dead wood (logs in our yard). *Sphaeria Variolaria corrugata Build. 432 ft. [Colpoma quercinum].