THE HISTORY OF MYCOLOGY IN ESSEX. 283 On dead sticks on the forest very common. Mucor Mucedo. On anything rotten. Mucor urceolatus [Pilobolus crystallinus]. On horse dung. Mucor glaucus [Aspergillus]. On a wallnut shell in our garden ; on the forest, common in woods. Mucor roridus [Pilobolus]. On horsedung in the Lea Bridge Road. *Phallus esculentus [Morchella]. In the lane leading from Hoe Street towards Whipps Cross and in our garden. B.M.F. (In the grounds of Higham (Sale), Walthamstow, June 24, 1846). Reticularia segetum [Ustilago]. On corn, common. (In Mark House field). Lycoperdon Carpobolus [Sphaerobolus stellatus]. On dead sticks on the forest near Hagger Lane. Lycoperdon Epiphyllum [Coleosporium Tussilaginis]. prob. insect nest. On leaves of Tussilago Farfara in a clay pit near Hale End. Lycoperdon ardosiaceum [Bovista plumbea]. On the Forest not far from Great Shrubbush. B.M.F. Agaricus lycoperdoides [Nyctalis parasitica]. On larger Agarics on the Forest. *Lichen pulicaris. Sphaeria [Hysterium]. L. scriptus B. pulicaris Lightf. On trees and posts common. (On oak trees ; on the Forest, garden in Hoe Street). Lichen rugosus [Hysterium]. On the younger barks of trees, common. *Lichen hippotrichodes Weber [Marasmius androsaceus]. Among dead leaves with Agaricus androsaceus in Hale brinks and elsewhere. *Opeographa epiphega [Psilospora faginea and P. Quercus]. On the Forest. *Opeographa macularis [Psilospora Quercus]. On trees near Hale End. Tremella mesenterica Dicks. [Auricularia].