284 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. T. juniperina Hud. sed non Lin. On rotten wood. Tremella turbinata [Bulgaria polymorpha]. Lycoperdon truncatum Lin. Peziza polymorpha Light. On dead wood (on a dead tree in Chapel End Lane). *Tremella purpurea [Tubercularia vulgaris]. On dead sticks, very common. Tremella albida [Naematelia nucleata]. On a tree in the Sale. Tremella arborea [Exidia glandulosa]. On dead sticks in a thicket near Chingford Lane, Chapel End, and on dead branches of willow in our garden. *Agaricus alnus [Schizophyllum commune]. On an alder log in Sawyer's Yard nearly opp. the Nags Head, Hackney Road. 1794. *Phallus impudicus. Gathered by W. Sikes before I came up by the roadside on a bank of a wood near Stouton Church, Essex. 1792. *Clavaria Epiphylla [Mitrula paludosa]. In a bog among alders on Bentley Common near Weal- drove, Essex, 1802. Additional Essex specimens noted in Forster's herbarium are given with their modern names ; sometimes these have been added on to the older synonomy ; many of them have identifi- cations by M. J. Berkeley ; Worthington G. Smith worked over all the specimens and M. C. Cooke, during his temporary employ at the Museum, also added a few names. Collybia radicata. Garden, Ivy House, Woodford. Omphalia umbellifera. In Hale brinks. Pleurotus salignus. On Epping Forest, near Woodford (higher branches). Marasmius ramealis. In a hedge near Wallwood House near Leytonstone ; on the Forest. Lentinus tigrinus. In the Sale. Panus stypticus. In Little Hale brink in Hale End : in a wood near Chingford Hatch. Poria vaporaria. Forest. Merulius Corium. In Hale brinks. Craterellus sinuosus. On the Forest near Loughton ; on Hale brink.