THE HISTORY OF MYCOLOGY IN ESSEX. 285 Thelephora cristata. Stereum purpureum Stereum spadiceum. Hymenochaete corrugata. Corticium comedens. Hirneola Auricula— Judae. Exidia recisa. Ulocolla foliacea. Tremella fimbriata. On Hainault Forest. Hale End. Forest, near Woodford. Hornbeam on the Forest. Arthurs piece. On Walnut in garden Ivy House, Woodford. On Salix babylonica in our garden. On a stump in the woody part of the Forest over Gilbert's field. On a felled tree in the woody part of the Forest between Hagger Lane and Hale End ; on the Forest near Gilbert field. On old sticks in the garden, Wal- thamstow. On the Forest near Hale brinks. On Castanea vesca, Henfield, near Mr. Bower's gate. Henfield ; Epping Forest. In garden Hoe Street ; Henfield. On a branch of cherry in our garden, Hoe Street. On cow dung on the Great Bog on the Forest between Salter's Buildings and the windmill. In a wood near Chingford Hatch ; in a wood near Hale End. On palings between our garden and Grosvenor's. Hot bed, Ivy House, Woodford. [No locality]). In a wood near Abury Hatch ; on the Forest, not uncommon. Epping Forest. On dead sticks. No locality.) In a wood near Hale End. On a dead stick in our garden, Hoe Street ; Ivy House, Woodford. On elm sticks. Walthamstow. Tremella moriformis. Dacrymyces chrysocomus. Phacidium dentatum. Phacidium multivalve. Trochila Ilicis. Cenangium Cerasi. Ascobolus furfuraceus. Helotium citrinum. Dasyscypha virginea. Acetabularia vulgaris. (Leptospora ovina. Strickeria obducens. Nitschkia tristis. (Diaporthe leiophaemia. Valsa lata. Diatrype disciformis. Diatrype Stigma.