THE HISTORY OF MYCOLOGY IN ESSEX. 291 quarter courier, pray be kind as to forward letters to me through the common mail by Cuxhaven. Remaining with utmost estimation Your most obedient Servant, C. H. Persoon, Dr. Goettingen the 19th June, 1800." Berkeley did not attempt another complete Fungus Flora— his Outlines of British Fungology 1860, being for the most part a bare list. However, from 1837 to 1885, he wrote a series of Notices of British Fungi, having C. E. Broome as collaborator from 1847 onwards. More than two thousand species are listed in the Notices. Among them I have noticed the following re- ferences to Essex Fungi.*5 293 Hymenogaster citrinus Vitt. Audley End, Essex, Rev. J. E. Leefe. 322 Tuber rufum Pico. Audley End, Essex, Rev. J. E. Leefe. *434 Septoria Hippocastani B. & Br. On leaves of the horse- chestnut, Essex, Rev. J. E. Leefe. *456 Sporidesmium scutellare B. & Br. On larch-bark. Ulting, Essex, H. Piggot, Esq. 475 Uredo Symphyti D.C. Audley End, Rev. J. E. Leefe. 498 Illosporium corallinum Rob. On Borrera tenclla, Ulting, Essex, H. Piggot, Esq. **503 Piggotia astroidea B. & Br. On green leaves of Elm, Springfield near Chelmsford, H. Piggot. *769 Peziza (Tapezia) Piggotii. On the plaster ceiling of a cottage, Chelmsford, H. Piggot.6 *775 Triblidium caliciiforme Fr. Essex, H. Piggot. 776 Abrothallus Welwitschii Mont. On Sticta fuliginosa, Essex. H. Piggot, Esq. 824 Pilacre Petersii Berk. & Curt. On hornbeam. Hainault Forest, C.E.B. *865 Patellaria proxima B. & Br. On dead oak. Little Heath, Barking. *5 An asterisk before a number indicates a species new to science : a double asterisk a new genus. 6 There are many letters from Horatio Piggot (later well-known as a lichenologist) in the Berkeley correspondence in the Department of Botany. He was very enthusiastic—"my tenant from whose house I took the Peziza looks upon me as a lunatic, especially as I shall not whitewash the ceiling at present."