OBITUARY. 311 Ministry of Health, but once this has been obtained by the builders it will be too late to take action. In a paper by Sir Albert Kitson on "The necessity of re- cording well-sinkings and borings for water" an appeal was made to members of the Corresponding Societies to notify the Geological Survey of any boring operations in their districts so that visits could be arranged and information obtained re- specting the nature of the strata. At the second meeting of the Delegates three papers were read, two on "National Parks for Scotland" by Prof. F. G. Baily and Mr. P. Thomsen respectively, and the other on "Popu- lation maps, their preparation and significance" by Mr. A. Farquharson. In Prof. Baily's paper a plea was made for the preservation of the Cairngorms, covering some two hundred square miles, as a desirable area which fulfilled most of the requirements of such a national reserve. The initial cost was estimated at about £50,000 and the administrative expenses at about £5,000 a year. Mr. Thomsen in his paper claimed that Great Britain as a whole ought to have eventually 6,000 square miles of National Parks, of which 2,000 should be in Scotland, and advocated the forma- tion of a new Government Department to be called the National Park Commission. OBITUARY. Ellen Willmott, F.L.S., V.M.H. By the sudden death, on September 27th, 1934, of Miss Ellen Willmott, our Club has to mourn the loss of a respected member of its Council, a member of twenty-seven years' standing and a gracious personality. Her repeated invitations to the Club to visit her beautiful gardens at Warley Place were eagerly responded to by our members and her personal conduct of her guests on these occasions was very highly appreciated. Her intimate knowledge of her plants, each of them with its special association and an individual history known to its owner, was a matter of marvel to her visitors. Only so recently as July last a further visit to Warley was paid which will be fresh in the memories of those who had the good fortune to be of the party, and the hope was then expressed by our