INDEX TO VOLUME XXIV. Allard, Miss E., elected a member, 161. Allen, F. W., Nature notes at Dagenham, 61. Avery, J., exhibits Essex prints, maps and portraits, 104, 107, 108, 110, 234, 237 ; exhibits Bilbergia nutans, 110 ; Obituary Notice, 242. Bardfield, Great, visit to, 48. Barling, field-meeting at, 56. Barns, S. J., Some Essex Doctors, 81 ; Account of Layer Marney Towers, 148 ; Account of Layer Marney Church, 151 ; Account of Horham Hall, 158 ; Presentation to, 233 ; Account of Higham Hills, 298. Bengough, Miss E, G., elected a member, 239. Benn, Miss N., elected a member, 107. Birds of the Lea Valley Reservoirs, 179. Birds, Uncommon Essex, 102. Botanical Ramble in the Roding Valley, 53. Botany in relation to the Study of Timber, 34. Bradwell-juxta-Mare, visit to, 51. British Association, Conference of Delegates, Reports, 104, 165, 308. Bull, J. M., elected a member, 54. Buxton, Major Anthony, lectures on "Birds at Close Range," 239. Calder, Miss G. S., elected a member, 54. Campbell, J. W., Notes on the Occurrence of Uncommon Essex Birds, 102. Centenary Celebrations, Entomo- logical Society of London, 103. Clacton, palaeolithic industries of, 1. Clacton, pleistocene mollusca of, 20. Colchester, visit to, 302. Coles, Rupert, Past History of the Forest of Essex, 115. Collar, H., conducts excursion to Saffron Walden, 54. Continental Jay in Essex, 312. Corringham and Fobbing, field meeting at, 161. Council, Reports of the, 112, 241. Covernton, J. G., elected a mem- ber, 50 ; lectures on Flint Imple- ments from Finchingfield, 234. Crouch, C. H., conducts visit to Woodford Bridge, 154 ; conducts tour of Woodford, 296. Cryptogamic Forays in Epping Forest, 105, 235. Curnock, D. R., elected a member, 162. Cyclops, new species (note), 61. Dagenham, nature-notes, 61. Dagenham Public Libraries elected an institutional member, 239. Death's-head Hawk Moth in Essex, 134. Dennis, A. W., exhibits and pre- sents Essex photographs, 107, 108. 234. Doctors, Some Essex, 81. Dovercourt, palaeolithic industries of, 1. Dytiscus marginalis, pupation of, 215. Entomological Society of London, Centenary Celebrations, 103. Epping Forest, New Fungi from, 265. Essex County Library elected an institutional member, 307. Essex Doctors, 81. Essex, moth hunting in, 31. Essex, Past History of the Forest of, 115. Essex Spiders, 209. Finchingfield, visit to, 48. Fobbing and Corringham, field- meeting at, 161. Forest of Essex, Past History of the, 115. Fox, G. J. B., elected Honorary Member, 111. Fungus Forays in Epping Forest, 58, 162, 307.