iv. Gilles, W. S., Moth-hunting in Essex, 31 ; Death's-head Hawk Moth in Essex, 134. Glegg, W. E., F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., elected President, 111 ; Birds of the Lea Valley Reservoirs, 179; exhibits ringed Blackheaded Gull, 240 ; History of Essex Heronries, 254. Great Bardfield, visit to, 4S. Greaves, Miss E. A., conducts excursion in Roding Valley, 53 ; conducts nature-ramble at Epping Upland, 145. Harley, L. S., conducts field- meeting at Barling, Sutton and Rochford, 56 ; conducts field- meeting at Fobbing and Corring- ham, 161 ; elected Honorary Treasurer. 240 ; conducts ramble to West Tilbury, 306. Harley, Mrs. L. S., conducts field- meeting at Barling etc., 56 ; con- ducts field-meeting at Fobbing and Corringham, 161 ; conducts ramble to West Tilbury, 306. Harley, Mrs. E. M., elected a mem- ber, 50. Hatfield Forest, uncommon Butter- flies in, 166. Hatley, Mrs. A. R. exhibits, 107 ; Some Aspects of the Archaeology of the Walthamstow District, 107 ; conducts visit to Walthamstow, 109 ; exhibits Saint Acheul im- plements from Walthamstow, 236. . Higginson, W. A., elected a mem- ber, 107. Holdsworth, H. H., donation of Essex books made by the late, 237. Holloway, Miss M. L., elected a member. 108. Horham Hall, visit to. 157. Hull, J. E., Some Essex Spiders, 209. Hydrous piceus, pupation of, 215. Jane, F. W., Botany in relation to the Study of Timber, 34. Lambert, F. J., conducts field- meeting at Barling, etc., 56. Layer Marney, visit to, 147. Lea Valley, Reservoirs, Birds of the, 179. Leighs Priory, visit to, 300. Lion Point, Clacton, pleistocene mollusca of, 29. Lister, Miss G., Reminiscences of Lord Lister, 98 ; Seed-Dispersal in Marsh Samphire, 135 ; exhibits sketch of pied blackbird, 234 ; exhibits sketch of "Knighton" grounds, 236 ; exhibits cone of Pinus Lambertiana, 236 ; ex- hibits Salicornia herbacea, 236 ; Turf and Weeds of an old Leyton- stone Garden, 243. Main, H., Observations on the Pupation of Dytiscus and Hy- drous, 215 ; exhibits larva of Dytiscus, 240. Marsh Samphire, seed-dispersal in, 135. McCormack, F. W., elected a member, 50. Mollusca of Pleistocene Deposits at Lion Point, Clacton. 29. Mothersole, H., exhibits Gallo- Roman axe, 234. Moth-hunting in Essex in 1932, 31. New Fungi from Epping Forest, 265. Nicholson, G, elected a member, 234. Obituaries of John Avery. 242 ; of Miss Ellen Willmott, 311 ; of Alfred Willingale. 312. Owen, J. H., lectures on Common Essex Birds, 107. Palaeolithic Industries of Clacton and Dovercourt. 1. Pearson, A. A., Some New Fungi from Epping Forest. 265. Peronea fissurana in Essex, 111. Pleistocene Mollusca at Lion Point, Clacton 29. Prain, Sir D., Biology and Human Society, 63. Prince, Miss E., conducts excur- sion in Roding Valley. 53 ; con- ducts nature-ramble at Epping Upland, 145 ; conducts visit to Warley, 304. Ramsbottom, J., History of Myco- logy in Essex. 167, 222, 268. Razorbill at Walthamstow, 312. Reports of the Council, 112, 241. Robinson, Miss B. M., elected a member, 50. Robinson, Miss G., elected a member, 50.