v. Rochford, field-meeting at, 56. Roding Valley, botanical ramble in, 53. Roebuck, G. F., conducts visit to Walthamstow Museum, etc., 109. Romford Branch Library, E.C.C., elected an institutional member, 236. Ross, J. Colloderma oculatum in lipping Forest, 62. Saffron Walden, visit to, 54. Salmon, J., conducts excursion to Leighs Priory and Terling, 300. Scandinavian Lesser Black-backed Gull in Essex, 312. Scourfield, D. J., New species of Cyclops (note), 61 ; exhibits microscopic, organisms, 104 ; Re- port of Conference of Delegates at British Association, York, 104 ; exhibits Diaptomus gracilis, 107 ; exhibits Proales Warneckei, 108 ; Report of Conference of Delegates at British Association, Leicester, 165 ; exhibits Wolffia arrhiza, 236; exhibits maps, 239 ; Report of Conference of Delegates at British Association, Aberdeen, 308. Seed-dispersal in Marsh Samphire, 135. Smith, Miss M. E., elected a mem- ber, 107. Spiders, Some Essex, 209. Steward, The Misses, conduct visit to Warley, 304. Stratford, trial-borings at, 113. Sutton, field-meeting at, 36. Terling, visit to, 300. Thaxted, visit to, 157. Thompson, P., exhibits Manx Shearwater, 104 ; exhibits cast of Red Mullet, 104 ; exhibits Essex photographs and water colours, 107, 110, 234, 237, 238, 239, 240 ; Peronea fissurana in Essex (note), III ; Trial Borings at Stratford, 113 ; conducts tour in West Ham, 136 ; Uncommon Butterflies in Hatfield Forest (note), 166 ; Recent Records of Salmon in the Thames Estuary (note), 214 ; exhibits Araujia sericifera, 234 ; exhibits plants from Lord Lister's collection, 234 ; exhibits larval form of Conger Eel, 237 ; exhibits portrait of Henry Doubleday and other relics of him, 237 ; exhibits Gannet from Stratford, 237 ; ex- hibits Bow china cup, 238 ; ex- hibits Silver Trowel used in laying the foundation stone of the Stratford Museum, 239 ; Obituary of John Avery, 242 ; Polygonia c- album in Essex (note), 253 ; Obit- uary of Miss Ellen Willmott, 311 ; Obituary of Alfred Willingale, 312 ; Razorbill at Walthamstow (note), 312 ; Continental Jay and Scandinavian Lesser Black- backed Gull in Essex (note), 312. Thorrington, F. J., exhibits birds' nest fungus, etc., 104. Timber, Botany in relation to, 34. Trial Borings at Stratford, 113. Uncommon Essex Birds, 102. Waller, Mrs. W. C, elected a member, 234. Walthamstow Public . Libraries elected an institutional member, 237. Ward, B. T., elected a member, 161 ; exhibits various specimens, 234 ; exhibits Guillemot from Bunhill Row, 237 ; exhibits skins of Gulls, 240. Warley Place, visit to, 304, Warren, S. H., The Palaeolithic Industries of the Clacton and Dovercourt districts, 1. West Tilbury, ramble, 300, Woodford Bridge, visit to, 134. Woodford, tour of, 296. LISTS OF PLATES AND ILLUSTRATIONS. Plate I. (Frontispiece). Massive Clactonian Chopper from Swans- combe, facing p. 1. Text fig. The Development of the Palaeolithic "Boucher" : the Clactonian Side-Chopper, facing p. 7. Text fig. Palaeoliths from the Frinton gravels, facing p. 9. Text fig. Palaeoliths from Upper Dovercourt, facing p. 15. Text fig. Foreshore Deposits at Lion Point, Clacton, facing p. 19.