ESSEX PRE-ORNITHOLOGY. 29 of such matter are inexhaustible, but the present contribution will at least serve as a foundation for Essex pre-ornithology. For assistance with this paper I have in the first place to thank Sir Arthur Smith Woodward and then Miss D. M. A. Bate, British Museum, Natural History, who have given me valuable aid with the geological period. I am indebted to Mr. C. H. Payne for translating the Latin passages SYSTEMATIC LIST. 1. Raven. Corvus corax corax L. Pre-Roman. Ref. 43, 2. Hooded Crow. Corvus cornix cornix L. 18th century, Ref. 22, 28, 41. 3. Magpie. Pica pica pica (L.). 11th century. Ref. 17, 18, 39. 4. British Bullfinch. Pyrrhula pyrrhula nesa Math. and Ired. 17th century. Ref. 36. 5. House-Sparrow. Passer domesticus domesticus (L.). 19th century. Ref. 41. 6. British Song-Thrush. Turdus ericetorum ericetorum Turton. 17th century. Ref. 7. 7. Blackbird. Turdus merula merula L. 17th century. Ref. 36. 8. Hoopoe. Upupa epops epops L. 17th century. Ref. 5. 9. Kingfisher. Alcedo atthis ispida L. 18th century. Ref. 22, 28, 41. 10. Short-eared Owl. Asio flammeus flammeus (Pontopp.). 16th century. Ref. 1, 4, 28. 11. British Tawny Owl. Strix aluco sylvatica Shaw. 18th century. Ref. 22, 28, 41. 12. Kestrel. Falco tinnunculus tinnunculus L. 17th, 18th centuries. Ref. 22, 28, 36, 41. 13. Common Buzzard. Buteo buteo buteo (L.). Pre-Roman, 18th century. Ref. 30. 43. 14. Goshawk. Accipiter gentilis gentilis (L.). 12th cen- tury. Ref. 38. 15. Sparrow-Hawk. Accipiter nisus nisus (L.). 12th, 13th, 18th centuries. Ref. 19, 22, 28, 38, 41. 16. Kite. Milvus milvus milvus (L.). 17th, 18th centuries. Ref. 30, 41.