ESSEX PRE-ORNITHOLOGY. 33 5. 1666. Pinax Rerum Naturalium Britannicarum, etc. C. Merrett, pp. 173, 179. 6. 1668. Onomasticon Zoicon, etc. W. Charleton, p. 108. 7. 1718. Philosophical Letters between the late learned Mr. Ray and several of his Ingenious Correspondents, etc. W. Derham, pp. 137, 269. 8. 1720. Magna Britannia et Hibernia, etc. T. Cox. p. 722. 9. 1724. A Tour Through the Whole Island of Great Britain. Daniel De Foe, p. 11. 10. 1730. The History and Antiquities of Harwich and Dover- court, etc. Samuel Dale, pp. 396-409. 11. 1768. The History and Antiquities of the County of Essex. P. Morant, V., I. pp. xxv., 78, 208, V. 2, p. 469. 12. 1801-13. Rural Sports. Rev. W. B. Daniel, V. 2, pp. 400, 410, 435, 437, 441, 453, 466, 471, 475, 478, 482, V. 3, pp. 397, 431. 13. 1813. Letters written by Eminent Persons in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries, etc., John Aubrey, part 1, p. 163. 14. 1825. The Diary of Henry Teonge, etc., 1675-1679, p. 245. 15. 1843. A History of British Birds. W. Yarrell, 1st ed., V. 1, p. 10. 16. 1848. The Correspondence of John Ray. Edited by E. Lankester, p. 257. 17. 1861. The Foundation of Waltham Abbey. W. Stubbs, p. 16. 18. 1869. Letter on the most ancient record of the occurrence of the Pheasant in Great Britain. W. Boyd Dawkins. The Ibis, p. 358. 19. 1870. On Ancient Manorial Customs, etc., in the County of Essex. R. S. Charnock, p. 14. 20. 1872. More about Stifford and its Neighbourhood, Past and Present. W. Palin, p. 98. 21. 1884. The Ancient Fauna of Essex. H. Woodward. Trans. Essex Field Club, V. 3, p. 7. 22. 1886. The Book of Duck Decoys. Sir Ralph Payne-Gallwey, pp. 75-92. 23. 1888. Wild-Fowl Decoys in Essex. J. E. Harting. The Essex Naturalist, V. 2, p. 159. 24. 1888. Essex Heronries. E. A. Fitch. Op. cit., V. 2, pp. 171-186.