34 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. 25. 1888. A Visit to an Essex Gullery, etc. E. A. Fitch and M. Christy. Op. cit., V. 2, pp. 193-8. 26. 1889. Historical Notices of the Short-tailed Field Vole and Short-eared Owl in Essex. E. A. Fitch. Op. cit., V. 3, p. 178. 27. 1889. Of Hawks and Hounds in Essex in the Olden Time. J. E. Harting. Op. cit., V. 3, p. 189. 28. 1890. The Birds of Essex. Miller Christy, pp. 47-71, 157. 29. 1891. On British Fossil Birds. R. Lydekker, The Ibis, pp. 386, 387, 389, 390. 30. 1895. On an Ancient Oak at Chignal St. James, with obser- vations on the Field-name of "Puttock's Lees." M. Christy. The Essex Naturalist, V. 9, pp. 108-9. 31. 1897. Another Essex Decoy. E. A. Fitch. Op. cit., V. 10, pp. 234, 293. 32. 1899. Note on the Occurrence of the White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) and the Salmon (Salmo solar) at Harwich in 1666. M. Christy. Op cit., V. 11, p. 76. 33. 1900. Additions to the Palaeolithic Fauna of the Uphall Brickyard, Ilford, Essex. J. P. Johnson. Op. cit., V. 11, p. 212. 34. 1900. Contributions to the Pleistocene Geology of the Thames Valley. M. A. C. Hinton and A. S. Kennard. Op. cit., V. 11, p. 336. 35. 1908. Eagles about Tiptree Heath. J. E. Harting. Op. cit., V. 15, p. 178. 36. 1913. The Household Expenses of Sir Thomas Barrington. Rev. F. W. Galpin. Trans. Essex Arch. Society, V. 12, pp. 215-6. 37. 1915. Pleistocene and later Bird Fauna of Great Britain and Ireland. A. Bell. Zoologist, pp. 405-10. 38. 1921. The Sparrow-Hawk and the Goshawk itt Litigation in the 12th and 13th Centuries. W. E. Glegg. The Essex Naturalist, V. 20, p. 21. 39. 1921. Early Annals of Ornithology. J. H. Gurney, pp. 39, 142, 166, 212. 40. 1926. Early Bird-Marking Records. Editors, British Birds, V. 20, p. 158. 41. 1929. A History of the Birds of Essex. W. E. Glegg, pp. 32, 145, 158, 164.