THREE NEW RECORDS OF MYCETOZOA FOR ESSEX. 35 42. 1930. Various Notes on the Birds of Essex. W.E.Glegg. The Essex Naturalist, V. 23, pp. 18-28. 43. 1934. The Domestic Fowl in Pre-Roman Britain. Miss D. M. A. Bate. The Ibis, pp. 390-5. THREE NEW RECORDS OF MYCETOZOA FOR ESSEX. By G. LISTER, F.L.S. OWING to his skilled observation and perseverance and to the favourable season, Mr. J. Ross was able to collect thirty-six species of Mycetozoa during the month of January, 1935, in the Epping Forest district; of these, three are new records for the County. Our list of Essex Mycetozoa is thus brought up to a hundred and one. The past two years having been exceptionally dry, it was not until the heavy rainfall of December that the heaps of fallen leaves were completely soaked and were in that stage when the plasmodia that feed on leaves could thrive on them. In summer and autumn the species feeding on dead wood usually predominate; during last January the leaf-haunting species amounted to more than half the total number of those found. The part of the Forest which proved most prolific was near Warren Hill, not far from the Loughton road, where in a plan- tation of varied trees, sycamore, plane, poplar, wych-elm, lime, hawthorn, holly, beech, and oak, with an undergrowth of bramble, the fallen leaves had been little disturbed. It was here that eleven species were found, including the three new records: these are Lepidoderma Chailletii Rost., Perichaena vermicularis (Schwein.) Rost. and Mucilago spongiosa (Leysser) Morgan. Lepidoderma Chailletii is apparently an uncommon and a winter species in this country. It has been obtained once only in Devon, Somerset and Worcestershire, four times in Bedford- shire, and now in Essex. The sporangia usually form extensive colonies ; they are drab in colour, and often harmonize with the dead leaves or soil on which they occur. Their walls have a somewhat mealy surface from being closely studded with small crystalline scales of carbonate of lime : the upper walls are thin and break open, allowing the mass of dark capillitium and