THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 55 Dr. Rupert Coles gave a lecture on the Evolution of the Coastal Drainage of Essex, which he illustrated by a series of lantern diagrams. A lively discussion ensued, in which Messrs. Scourfield, Bull, Thompson and others joined. A hearty vote of thanks to the lecturer closed the meeting at 5 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (738TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 26TH JANUARY, 1935. This Meeting was held as usual in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, with the President, Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U., in the chair. Forty-three members attended. Mr. John E. Allen, of "The Whipps," Whipps Cross Road, Leytonstone, E. 11, was elected a Member. Mr. Main exhibited some living House Crickets, bred by himself from eggs laid by a chance visitant. Mr. Scourfield showed living specimens of the so-called "Slipper Animalcule" (Paramecium). Mr. Ross exhibited thirty-two species of Mycetozoa, all of which had been collected by himself in Epping Forest during the present month: three of these were new records for Essex. The Curator showed, on behalf of Miss Greaves, a number of photographs and prints illustrating the still-existing remains of monastic buildings in Essex. He also exhibited a set-up specimen of Red-throated Diver, an adult female in winter plumage, which had been found dead in a garden at Loughton on 26th November, 1933, and forwarded to the Stratford Museum by Mr. R. S. Archbould, per the President. On dissection, the stomach was found to be empty and the flesh bruised. The furcula and sternum of the specimen were also exhibited. Mr. Thompson also showed a curious Tax Receipt of 1845, made out to a Mr. George Hooper, who was then the tenant of Theydon Hall, Theydon Bois. Mr. Crouch added some genealogical notes concerning Mr. Hooper, who was a distant relative of his. The President called upon Mr. J. G. Covernton, M.A., C.I.E., who gave a lecture, entitled "Finchingfield Flints—Early Types among Surface Finds," which he illustrated by the exhibition of a series of specimens. A discussion followed, in which the President, Messrs. Warren, Thompson and Harley joined, and Mr. Covernton replied to questions. On the President's motion, thanks were warmly accorded to the lecturer, and the meeting adjourned at 4.50 o'clock. ORDINARY MEETING (739TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 23RD FEBRUARY, 1935. This Meeting was held as usual in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Romford Road, Stratford, at 3 o'clock on the above afternoon, with the President, Mr. William E. Glegg, F.Z.S., M.B.O.U. in the chair. Forty-three members attended.