56 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. Mrs. L. M. McBain, of 7, Windsor Road, Wanstead, E. 11, was elected a Member. The Hon. Secretary, on behalf of the Council, gave notice that, at the approaching Annual Meeting, it was the intention of the Council to propose that the following Resolution, passed by the Annual Meeting in 1929, be rescinded, viz.:— "That, in view of the unduly large and increasing size of the "Council in proportion to the total number of members, any vacancies "thereon over and above those caused by the retirement of members "in rotation, shall remain unfilled for the present." Nominations of New Members of Council. The Hon. Secretary announced that Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, Mr. W. H. Daun and Mr. Hugh Main were due to retire in rotation at the Annual Meeting. There would be a fourth vacancy on the Council if the proposal to rescind the aforementioned Resolution were adopted by the Annual Meeting. Nominations were invited to fill the vacant seats. Mr. Price, seconded by Mr. Harley, nominated Mr. Hugh Main for re-election. Mr. Barns, seconded by Mr. Scourfield, nominated Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones for re-election. Miss Lister, seconded by Mr. Bull, nominated Mr. W. H. Daun for re-election. Miss Greaves, seconded by Miss Prince, nominated Dr. F. Jane for election. No further nominations were made. Nomination of President. The Hon. Secretary announced, amidst applause, that Mr. William E. Glegg, having expressed his willingness to serve a third year as President, the Council nominated him for re- election accordingly. Nomination of Officers. The Council nominated the existing officers of the Club for re-election to their respective offices, and also Mr. Crouch as first auditor. Nomination of Second Auditor. Mr. Guest, seconded by Mr. Price, nominated Mr. J. Ross as Second Auditor. Exhibits. Miss G. Lister exhibited a specimen of Scirpus maritimus from the shore of the Mediterranean, which bore starch-bearing tubers as large as hazel nuts at intervals along its whiplike roots. She also showed drawings of the microscopic section through these tubers. Mr. Ward exhibited a Smew, ♀, and an immature Shag in first winter plumage, both from the Walthamstow Reservoirs, also some pellets of Carrion Crow. Mr. Crouch exhibited and described a number of book plates of West Ham personages, including representatives of the Bulkley, Dodd, Pelly, Fry, Carstairs, Lewis and Martin families. Mr. Ross exhibited specimens and lantern views of various oak-galls and of the hymenopterons which produced them. Mr. Salmon gave a brief description of the historical development of Windmills, which he illustrated by some lantern views.