60 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. The business of the Annual Meeting was then taken. The minutes of the last Annual Meeting were, on the President's motion, agreed to be taken as read. The Report of the Council for the past year was read : on the motion of Mr. Price, seconded by Mr. Graddon, the report was adopted and thanks were passed to the officers, coupled with an approval of the appointment of Mr. John Salmon as Hon. Excursions Secretary. The Hon. Treasurer presented and explained his Accounts for the year 1934, and formally moved their adoption; Mr. Austin seconded. Carried nem. con. The Hon. Secretary announced that, in the absence of opposition, Mr. William E. Glegg stood re-elected as President for 1935-36. The announcement was received with enthusiasm by the meeting. On the motion of Mr. Ross, seconded by Mr. Price, a proposal to rescind a Resolution of the Annual Meeting of 1929 relative to vacancies on the Council was carried unanimously. Sir Robert Armstrong-Jones, Mr. Daun, Mr. Main and Dr. F. Jane, having been duly nominated and no counter-nominations having been made, were declared by the President to be elected Members of Council. The existing Officers of the Club were declared by the President to be re-elected to their several offices, they having been duly nominated and no counter-nominations having been made. Messrs. Crouch and Ross were re-elected Auditors, they having been duly nominated and no counter-nominations having been made. The business of the Ordinary Meeting was taken at this stage, the Minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on February 23rd being duly con- firmed . Mr. Barns showed a lantern-photograph of an old coloured print published in 1816, apparently concerning a proposal to enclose Wanstead Flats : he asked for suggestions as to the identity of the persons caricatured in the print. Mr. Dennis showed, and presented to the Club's collection, eleven photographs of old houses at Pebmarsh, taken by himself. He also exhibited a series of beautiful lantern-photographs of various eggs of butterflies. Mr. Thorrington showed various vetches, to demonstrate the presence of bacterial nodules on their roots. The Hon. Secretary exhibited, and presented to the Library, twelve colour-printed geological maps of the London District, recently published by the Geological Survey : also Fairburn's Map of 12 Miles around London, dated 1798, which had lately been presented to the Library. The President then delivered his Presidential Address, entitled "Essex Pre-Ornithology." At its conclusion, Mr. Austin moved that the thanks of the meeting be given to the President and that he be asked to allow his Address to be printed in the Club's Journal: Mr. Barns seconded. On being put to the meeting, the motion was carried nem. con. The President expressed his thanks to the meeting for its reception of his Address, and closed the proceedings at 5.5 o'clock.