OBITUARY NOTICES. 63 three Presidential addresses were entitled "Ten Years' Progress in Lichenology," "Birch Groves of Epping Forest," and "The Fungus Root (Mycorrhiza)," and these indicate very well the principal lines of his later work. After relinquishing his headmastership he devoted himself most assiduously for some years to the working out of the collections of Lichens brought back by various expeditions, such as those to Mount Everest and Spitzbergen, spending much time at Kew and the Natural History Musuem, South Kensing- ton, for the purpose. Unfortunately, however, his memory and power of concentration gradually grew weaker, and for the last two or three years he had not been able to carry on the work which had formerly given him so much pleasure. Mr. Paulson was of a very gentle disposition, with little thought for himself but always ready to assist others. He will be remembered by all those who had the privilege of his acquain- tance as a most friendly and lovable man. D. J. S. STEPHEN JOHN BARNS. The lamented death of Mr. Stephen John Barns, on June 5th, 1935, at the age of 64 years, has deprived the Club of a member of outstanding attainment in the sphere of antiquarian research —especially in relation to Essex—a subject which had been a life-passion with him from early manhood and of which his accumulated knowledge was truly remarkable. A member of some fifteen years' standing, Barns almost from the outset of his connection with our Club took a prominent part in its activities, becoming elected to its Council in March, 1925, and being appointed Honorary Librarian a year later in March, 1926, an office which he held until his decease. Barns was a literary artist. His polished style, his scholarly phraseology, and the meticulous care taken by him in revision of his matter, as evidenced by the fact that his manuscript was invariably fair copied before being handed in, no less than the absolute reliability of his statements, made his contributions to our Journal always most acceptable. His memory was pro- digious. Once only did the present writer venture to question an assertion of his, only to be overwhelmingly defeated by the production of documentary evidence in proof of the original assertion.