JELLYFISH. 85 no romance, in the, wresting of secrets from Nature in the form of jelly fish. REPRODUCTION IN SCYPHOMEDUSAE. It would seem that as with the Actinia there is a limit to size in Hydra Tubae, with a subsequent breaking down to normality. This is marked in the anemones. This limit is proved to have been attained by Hydra Tubae by: (a) budding, (b) strobilation, i.e., the number of buds produced at a time will depend on the size of the Hydra Tuba and the number of ephyrulae in a strobila will depend upon the size of the Hydra Tuba. This cannot be questioned, it seems to me. It must be remembered that fission is unknown, normally, in Hydra Tuba, and it seems to the writer that the original method of repro- duction was by the "resting gemmule" (generation time 14 days) which, after the race had succeeded in evolving the medusa, continued as the planula.9 A possible explanation of this double method may be found in variations in temperature. The Hydra Tuba buds and encysts at high temperatures. It strobilates at low ones, the difference in temperatures re- quiring, apparently, a different method. This raises an interesting point, still to be certainly proved. Supposing a Hydra Tuba to be placed in a situation where the critical low temperature is never attained—will it strobilate? The writer thinks that it will not, and that, instead, the race will be preserved by budding alone, even in the case of Chrysaora, and that in this postulate lies a possible explanation as to why some species are sporadic, appearing but rarely at certain times and in abundance at others. Cannibalism, of course, may affect this. If correct, this postulate would tend to show that the Hydra tuba may be the mature, though not the final form; as is the case with many plants which propagate by suckers which eventually break loose from the parent plant. When one realises that it is merely the adult breaking itself up into parts some of the difficulty disappears. The writer desires to express his grateful thanks to the following friends for the very sympathetic and ungrudging 9 Cyanea planulae still sometimes encyst by the thousand—a percentage subsequently producing Hydra Tubae.