86 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. assistance given by them; at times when it was very badly needed:— Capt. A. Knyvett Totton, M.C., of the Brit, Mus. Nat. History. Docteur Robert Weill, of the Univ. of Paris. Doctor Marie V. Lebour, of the Marine Laboratory, Plymouth. Laurence S. Harley, B.Sc., for photographs, specially taken. Cyril Halton, B.Sc., Woolwich Museum, for photographs specially taken. Miss R. M. Renton, for kind gift of material from her tanks for observational purposes. Percy Thompson, F.L.S., for the photo of Aurelia from the Essex Museum, Stratford. BIBLIOGRAPHY. Preliminary observations on the Locomotor System of the Medusae, by Geo. J. Romanes, M.A., F.L.S., etc. Philo. Trans. Royal Socy. of Lin., vol. 166, part I. Notes on the British species of Cyanea, by Profr. McIntosh, M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., etc. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Feby. 1885. On Abnormal Hydromedusae. Profr. McIntosh. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., Jany., 1890. Notes on Chrysaora, by Miss Delap. Irish Nat., vol. x, 1901. Notes on Cyanea, by Miss Delap. Irish Fisheries Board, 1902, Appendix 1905. The Aquarium Naturalist, by Thos. Rymer Jones, F.R.S. 1858. Rhizostoma Octopus, by Profr, Gustav Stiasny, Leiden Uni- versity. Zool. Meded. Leiden, vol. ii., 1928. Development and Strobilization of Chrysaora. Hadzi. Arbeit. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien., vol. 17, page 17, pts. 3-4, figs. 1-15. 1907. Also by Heric (same journal), page 95. Pl. 9. Contribution a l'Etude des Cnidaires et de leur Nematocystes, par Dr. S. C. Robert Weill. Un Elevage de Scyphistomes de Cyanea capillata. Observations sur la multiplication Gemmipare d'un Scyphistome, par Charles Percy. Observations on the Scyphomedusae of the Thames Estuary, by F. J. Lambert. Travaux de la Station Zoologique de Wimereux, tome XII, 1935.