112 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. "shoulder. Below the shoulder the surface is striated obliquely, "as though the wet clay was wiped with a wisp of grass. Coarse, "very hard grey ware with much flint and quartz grit. Rim "diameter 131/2 ins., height about 73/4 in. Hallstatt period." Plate VII. 3. "Fragment of a large, open, high-shouldered "pot with flat rim and slightly concave neck. The rim is "decorated with small finger-nail marks, and 1 inch below "the shoulder is a line of similar but deeper impressions. Coarse "grey ware, with large flints, buff brown surface, striated and "lumpy, due to rough smoothing by the fingers. (Compare "Plate VII. 2.)" Plate VIII. 1. "Fragment of a similar pot with rim "bevelled and expanded on the inside, and decorated on top "with light impressions of the finger-tip. Coarse black ware "with fine grit, uneven grey buff surface." Plate VIII. 2. "Fragment of a similar pot with more "angular shoulder and well defined concave neck. Coarse "black ware with sparse large flint grits, light red surface." Plate VIII. 3. "Fragment of open bowl with rounded "rim and everted neck above slight shoulder. Coarse grey "ware with large flints, uneven light red surface." It is unfortunate that no trace of any stratification could be observed in relation to the Hallstatt sherds. The subsequent work of cutting trenches across the ditch to trace its course produced the following:— At N.E. angle, one small chip only. Trench No. 4. Several small fragments, including a rim like Plate VII. 2. Trench No. 9. Five small fragments, including a rim like Plate VII, Nos. 2 and 3. Trench No. 18. One minute chip and a larger fragment of hard smooth ware, which is probably Hallstatt. THE LA TENE POTTERY. The La Tene Pottery is of particular interest and importance, belonging as it does to approximately the same period as the material recovered from the site of the capital of Cunobeline on the Sheepen Farm at Colchester during the last six years. The enormous quantity of La Tene wares discovered there are intermixed with an embarrassing amount of Roman wares,