ESSEX BIRD-MIGRATION. 143 breeding area. The recovery of the Black-headed Gull, which was born at Lake Zurich in Switzerland, supports this, as Lake Zurich is much to the south of Britain. The information derived from the ringing of Black-headed and Common Gulls is sufficient to justify the formation of conclusions. It would appear that practically all our winter population of these two species is composed of foreign birds as, apart from a Black- headed Gull, ringed in Cumberland, all the birds recovered had been ringed abroad. We have yet to ascertain what happens to our native Black-headed Gulls. In this account I have drawn attention to the main features of Essex bird-migration. The systematic list which follows supplies further details, and what is not there included will be found in "A History of the Birds of Essex." I terminate this consideration of the subject, with an appeal for much more work, particularly in regard to observations along the coast and to ringing birds. I have to thank Miss E. P. Leach and Mr. H. F. Witherby for furnishing me with the localities in which a number of birds was recovered. SYSTEMATIC LIST OF SPECIES FOR WHICH THERE ARE MOVEMENTS AT LIGHT-STATIONS OR RINGING RECOVERIES. The Hooded Crow, Carrion-Crow, Rook and Jackdaw have been grouped together, as it was not always clear from the reports, which species was referred to. It is probable that few, if any, Carrion-Crows were seen. The House and Tree- Sparrows are similarly treated, but it is probable that most of the birds were the latter species. The black ducks were not specifically identified, but probably both Scoters were repre- sented. In the B.O.C. investigation double dates, thus 9/10, were used to indicate night migration. Letters in brackets, preceding ring numbers, indicate the station, of which the full titles can be found in "British Birds," V. 25, p. 111. All ringing recoveries published to the end of 1935 are included. The Raven. Corvus corax corax L. Movements at light-stations. Landguard L.H. 22nd June, 1884, two at 6.30 a.m. ; 17th