ESSEX BIRD-MIGRATION. 145 1883. Rook : With scarcely an exception at all stations between the Spurn and South Foreland, from the last week in September to the end of the third week in November ; the rushes correspond with those of the Hooded Crow. 1884. Hooded Crow : During the latter half of October the rush appears to have been continuous night and day. The main body came in from Flamborough Head to the coast of Essex, comparatively few north of Flamborough or south of the Thames, the chief lines of flight S.E. to N.W., E. to W., and S. to N.W. 1885. Carrion-Crow : Tongue L.V., 11th December, one on deck ; great numbers of Black Crows are recorded at various stations, which may refer to this or the Rook. Hooded Crow : First at Hasbro' L.V. 2nd October, small flocks all day S.E. to N.W. Great numbers in October at various stations, chiefly between the Humber and Thames and an almost continuous rush between 15th and 17th. A very considerable immigration in November specially from 9th to 12th. Rook : Immense numbers at various stations in October and November, with continuous rushes corresponding with those of the Hooded Crow. 1886. Hooded Crow : Crows generally : From Whitby to the South Foreland at several stations ; throughout October and in lesser numbers to 16th November. Rook : At several stations in October and in large numbers between Spurn and the South Foreland ; migration continued up to 16th November. 1903. Kentish Knock : A few Jackdaws appeared from the east at 4.25 p.m. on 17th October and others followed and were flying round the ship until 5 a.m. on the 18th. Two were captured. The first Rooks appeared in small numbers from the east at 5 p.m. on 17th October. Later several appeared at the lantern and flew in the rays of light from 7 p.m. to 3 a.m. on the 18th, an adult being captured. 1907. 9th October, Galloper L.V. : Carrion Crow passing to west. 10th October, Galloper L.V. : Flocks of Carrion Crows with Sparrows and Starlings to west. 12th and 13th October, Galloper L.V. : Flocks of "Crows" with Starlings and Skylarks throughout the day. 1908. 3rd September, Kentish Knock : A flock of "Crows" to W. Wind S. 3, clear, overcast.