ESSEX BIRD-MIGRATION. 149 (R) D 50753 Hanover, Germany 16/5/31 Essex -/1/32 nestling RT9756 adult Chipping Norton, 15/2/34 Little Wakering 1/7/34 Oxon., released Horse Guards' Parade Starling Sturmis vulgaris vulgaris L. Movements at Light-stations. 1879. Next to the Lark, the Starling occupied the most prominent position in the reports. It was noticed at seventeen stations, including Galloper, Kentish Knock and Nore. Enor- mous numbers passed the southern stations in October, November and December. Sometimes in separate flocks, sometimes mixed with other birds. They crossed at all hours of day and night and in all winds and weather. The Starling, like the Lark, appeared to have a particular facility for immola- ting itself against the lantern ; at the Galloper (see Skylark). Direction of migration to east coast. 1880. Next to the Lark this species undoubtedly took the second rank numerically amongst the migrants. At the Galloper, 13th October to 11th November, nearly every day large flocks went N.W. day and night, sometimes alone, at others with Larks and small birds. At the Kentish Knock, on 8th, 10th and 13th October to W.S.W., with Larks and many other birds. At Swin Middle, 28th August, flocks to W. with other birds and 30th October to W. with Larks. The young migrated first ; the old in October and November. They crossed in the greatest numbers at the more southern stations, travelling at all hours of the day and night in westerly and north-westerly directions, constantly associated with Larks in their migrations. The majority crossed from 19th to 26th October. Again there was a second rush near the end of November and a third in the second week of January, before the outbreak of severe weather. 1881. In the autumn at nearly all our mid and south-east stations from 30th August to 11th December. On the English coast during last fortnight in October, both day and night, often associated with other migrants. Line of migration to W., S.W., N.W. and W.N.W. 1882. First at Whitby, 3rd August, great many near light- house to 15th December, at Spurn ; altogether at nineteen stations covering the east coast of England, the bulk crossing