152 THE ESSEX NATURALIST. 10th October, Kentish Knock : Small flocks with other species to N.W. Wind W.3 ; clear. nth October, Kentish Knock : A flock to N.W. Wind W.S.W.2 ; clear. 13th October, Galloper : Very large numbers with other species to S.W. Wind S.E.2 to S.S.W.3 ; hazy. 13th October, Kentish Knock : A large flock with other species to N.W. Wind S.E.1 ; fog. 14th October, Galloper : Small flocks with Skylarks to W.S.W. Wind W.2 to S.W.2 ; hazy and cloudy. 17th October, Kentish Knock : A flock to W. Wind S.E.i ; overcast and misty. 17th/18th October, Longsand : Hundreds with a few Wheat- ears, apparently going E. Over 100 birds killed during night. Wind E.N.E. to E. by S. ; misty. 17th/18th October, Kentish Knock : A few with Skylarks. Wind S.E. ; overcast and misty. 18th/19th October, Kentish Knock : Many with Skylarks apparently going W. Wind S.E. ; overcast and misty. 19th October, Kentish Knock ; Some to W. and W.N.W. Wind S.E 4 ; overcast and misty. 24th October, Kentish Knock : Some to W. Wind E.N.E.4 ; clear with passing rain. 24th/25th October, Kentish Knock: A fair number with Sky- larks. Wind N.E.4 ; cloudy, clear. 25th/26th October, Kentish Knock : Many with Skylarks. Wind N.E.4 ; misty, rain. 26th October, Kentish Knock : Some to W.S.W. and S.W. Wind E.S.E.3 ; misty rain. 26th/27th October, Kentish Knock : Many with Skylarks and Redwings. Wind S.E.3 ; cloudy, clear. 31st October, Kentish Knock : A flock with Crows to N.W. Wind S.S.W.2 ; blue sky and thick mist. 1st November, Kentish Knock : Some to N.W. Wind S.S.E.2 ; clear. 2nd/3rd November, Kentish Knock : A few, with many Sky- larks. Calm, clear and cloudy. 4th/5th November, Kentish Knock : A few with Skylarks and Blackbirds, apparently to W. Wind E.3 ; overcast, passing rain.