ESSEX BIRD-MIGRATION. 155 7th/8th January, Kentish Knock : Several with other species all night. Wind S.S.W. to W.2 ; fog. 4th March, Kentish Knock: 20 to E. at noon. Wind S.S.E.3; clear. 10th/11th March, Kentish Knock : Large numbers from mid- night to dawn. Wind S.E. ; overcast but clear. 21st March, Galloper : One to W.N.W. at 1.30 p.m. Wind S.W.1 ; clear. 25th March, Galloper : One to W. at 6 p.m. Wind N.N.E.4 ; clear. 27th March, Kentish Knock : A few to N.W. at 10.30 a.m. ; calm, fog. 28th March, Galloper : One on board at 10 a.m. Wind N. W.2 ; fog to clear. 9th/10th April, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with Red- wings to N.W., 10.30 p.m. to 4 a.m. Wind E.N.E.3 to S.S.W.2 ; overcast with rain to clear. 29th September, Kentish Knock : A few at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. to N.N.W. Wind S.W.2 ; blue sky, clear. 1st/2nd October, Kentish Knock : A few with Skylarks at g p.m. Wind S.E.3 ; clear. 5th/6th October, Kentish Knock : A few with Skylarks at 9 p.m. Wind N.E.3 ; overcast. 7th/8th October, Kentish Knock : A few with Skylarks, 9-9.30 p.m., and many at 5 a.m. Wind E.S.E.4 to S.E.2 ; blue sky to overcast. 8th October, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with other species to N.W. all day. Wind E.2 to E.N.E.2 ; overcast. 8th/9th October, Kentish Knock : Large numbers with other species, 9-12 p.m. and 2 a.m. to dawn ; calm, overcast. 9th October, Kentish Knock : A few with Skylarks at II and 11.30 a.m. ; calm, clear. 9th/10th October, Kentish Knock : A few with other species, 11 p.m. to 2.30 a.m. Wind S.S.E.1 to N.W.1 ; overcast. 15th October, Kentish Knock : Some at 11 a.m. to N.W. Wind E.S.E.5 to S.S.E.4 ; blue sky, clear. 15th/16th October, Kentish Knock : A few to N.W. at 6.45 p.m. and a few at the lantern at 1 a.m. Wind S.S.E.3 to 2. Clear. 16th October, Kentish Knock : few to N.W. at 9 a.m. Wind S.E.2 ; blue sky, clear.