THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB. 157 14th April, Kentish Knock : Many with other species to N.W., 6-7.30 a.m. Wind W.1 ; blue sky, clear. 20th September, Kentish Knock : A few to S.E. at 4 p.m. Wind W.S.W.5 ; cloudy. 21st/22nd September, Kentish Knock : A few with Song- Thrushes at 9 p.m. and 3 a.m. Wind N.W.3 to E.N.E.3 ; over- cast, light rain. 23rd/24th September, Kentish Knock : A few with other species, 11.30 p.m. to 3.30 a.m. Wind S.S.W.3 ; overcast, drizzle to rain. 2nd October, Kentish Knock : A few to W.S.W. at 3 p.m. Wind N.N.W.4 ; blue sky, cloudy. 2nd/3rd October, Kentish Knock : A few with other species, 9-11.20 p.m. Wind N.N.W.2 to N.W.2 ; overcast to cloudy. 3rd October, Kentish Knock : Some at 8 a.m. to N.W. Wind N.E.2 ; blue sky, cloudy. 6th October, Kentish Knock : Many at 9.30 a.m. to S.E. Wind S.E.2 to N.E.3 ; blue sky, cloudy. 7th October, Kentish Knock : Numbers with Skylarks to S.S.E. at 9 and 9.30 a.m. Wind E.N.E.6 ; overcast. 10th October, Kentish Knock : A few to S.S.W. at 9 a.m. Wind E.N.E.4 to N.E.4 ; cloudy. 12th October, Kentish Knock : A few with other species, to W. and S.W., 8-11 a.m. Wind S.S.E.3 ; blue sky, misty. 13th October, Kentish Knock : A few with other species to S.W. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wind S.1 to 2 ; cloudy to misty rain. 13th/14th October, Kentish Knock : Many with a few Chaf- finches, 7 p.m. to 1.30 a.m. Wind S.E.2 to E.S.E.1 ; overcast, raining. 14th October, Kentish Knock : Some to W. at 1.30 p.m. Wind N.1 ; overcast, misty rain to cloudy and misty. (To be continued.) THE ESSEX FIELD CLUB—REPORTS OF MEETINGS. ORDINARY MEETING (750TH MEETING). SATURDAY, 26TH OCTOBER, 1935. The first meeting of the winter session was held at 3 o'clock on the above date in the Physics Lecture Theatre of the Municipal College, Rom--